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Anil kumar k p
Contractor | Kozhikode, Kerala
#carporch #SteelRoofing #ironstructure #industrialwork
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kerala style exterior design #InteriorDesigner #exteriordesigns
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₹1,000 1000
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This photograph displays the residential home building in a very poor condition, while the second image showcases the enchantment of our company's onset and its magical capabilities for renovation. renovation #houserenovationgoals #HouseRenovation #housepainting
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Labour + Material
Completed Project G+1 3BHK Client Mr Unni Area 2050 sft Construction cost 48 Lakh Including Interior #dreamhome #Architect #ContemporaryHouse #calicut #kozhikode #Edonbuilders #Wayanad #kolo
Labour + Material
# #CONTACT 9048303993
roofing shingles work finished call 7591994994
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സർവീസുകൾ ചെയ്തു മനോഹരമാക്കി നിലനിർത്തുന്ന ഒരു ഗാർഡൻ
*Thandur stone* kerala and tamilnadu available.all type of stone works
₹55 per sqft
Labour Only
Anil kumar k p
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