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CASSARA 7356357002
POP/False Ceiling | Malappuram, Kerala
₹65 per sqft
#pop #popceiling #popwalldecor #popwalldesign #auditorium
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#pop #popceiling #popfalseceiling #popcontractor #popwalldecor #popwalldesign
#popcontractor #popceiling #popwalldesign
₹65 per sqft
Labour Only
#Contractor #popceiling #popwalldesign #InteriorDesigner #KeralaStyleHouse #Malappuram #Kozhikode #Kannur #Wayanad #Kasargod #Thrissur #Palakkad #Ernakulam #Kottayam #Kollam #Pathanamthitta #Alappuzha #Thiruvananthapuram #Idukki
₹65 per sqft
Labour Only
Attractive ceiling designs. undertake any big work of ceiling and partitions for auditorium, theatre etc. we also manufacture cornice, centre flower POP board etc. 9539381892.
GYPSUM POP WORK CONTACT #popceiling #popcontractor #popdesign #Malappuram #Kozhikode #Palakkad #Kannur #Wayanad #all_kerala
POP WORKS CONTACT #popceiling #popwork #popcontractor #popfallceiling #popwalldesign
₹50 per sqft
Labour Only
#popwalldecor #popwalldesign #popwall #popcontractor #popceiling
₹65 per sqft
Labour + Material
#pop-seiling #Malappuram # gypsum #FalseCeiling #popceiling #pop pop #
Auditorium Ceiling City Palace Auditorium Beyore,Calicut
Plaster of Paris(POP) Work.. Colonial Designs🏛️ #GyspumPlastering #plasterofparis_work #popdesign #popceiling #POP_Moding_With_Texture_Paint #പ്ലാസ്റ്റർഓഫ്പാരിസ് #Architectural&Interior
POP CEILING & WALL WORKS CONTACT ME ROOM DESIGN #popceiling #popwork #popwalldesign
₹65 per sqft
Labour + Material
Pop ceiling & wall works Contact #popceiling #popwork #popmolding #popwalldesign #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #keralagram #keraladesigns #malapuram #Kozhikode #Kannur #Wayanad #Kasargod #Thrissur #Palakkad #Ernakulam #Kottayam #Idukki #Pathanamthitta #Kollam #Alappuzha #Thiruvananthapuram
₹65 per sqft
Labour Only
#popceiling #popceiling # Pop#Molding # ceiling #false Ceiling #Gypsum #GypsumCeiling # Malappuram# All Kerala# Kerala# Malappuram#
₹65 per sqft
Labour Only
Open Auditorium #ricastle #Kalmandapam #auditorium #traditional #TraditionalStyle
Royal garden auditorium chalakudy kuttikad #engineering #auditorium #Chalakudy⛳️ #trussworkmaterials #roofing
₹28 per sqft
Labour Only
#profileceiling #profilelights #profilelight #profilelighting #profiles #profilelight_light #GypsumCeiling #pop #popceiling #covelights
POP WALL PANEL WORK #popwalldesign #pop #InteriorDesigner #all_kerala Contact
Pop works #Kozhikode #KeralaStyleHouse #MasterBedroom #Malappuram #popceiling #InteriorDesigner #HomeDecor
ongoing auditorium at Thrissur #auditorium #Thrissur #design
POP/False Ceiling
CASSARA 7356357002
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