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CASSARA 7356357002
POP/False Ceiling | Malappuram, Kerala
#pop #popceiling #popfalseceiling #popcontractor #popwalldecor #popwalldesign
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#pop #popceiling #popwalldecor #popwalldesign #auditorium
₹65 per sqft
Labour Only
POP CEILING & WALL WORKS CONTACT ME ROOM DESIGN #popceiling #popwork #popwalldesign
₹65 per sqft
Labour + Material
POP WALL PANEL WORK #popwalldesign #pop #InteriorDesigner #all_kerala Contact
POP SHOWCASE WORK #pop #popcontractor
#popceiling #popceiling # Pop#Molding # ceiling #false Ceiling #Gypsum #GypsumCeiling # Malappuram# All Kerala# Kerala# Malappuram#
₹65 per sqft
Labour Only
POP WORKS CONTACT #popceiling #popwork #popcontractor #popfallceiling #popwalldesign
₹50 per sqft
Labour Only
#profileceiling #profilelights #profilelight #profilelighting #profiles #profilelight_light #GypsumCeiling #pop #popceiling #covelights
#Contractor #popceiling #popwalldesign #InteriorDesigner #KeralaStyleHouse #Malappuram #Kozhikode #Kannur #Wayanad #Kasargod #Thrissur #Palakkad #Ernakulam #Kottayam #Kollam #Pathanamthitta #Alappuzha #Thiruvananthapuram #Idukki
₹65 per sqft
Labour Only
#popceiling #popwork #KeralaStyleHouse #Malappuram #Kozhikode #Palakkad #Thrissur #Wayanad #Kannur #KAZARKODE #all_kerala #popcontractor
₹70 per sqft
Labour + Material
Interior POP plastering #popcontractor #popplaster #CivilEngineer #greenlinebuilders #buildingcontractor #ContemporaryHouse #gypsumplaster
#popcontractor #popceiling #popwalldesign
₹65 per sqft
Labour Only
Pop ceiling & wall works Contact #popceiling #popwork #popmolding #popwalldesign #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #keralagram #keraladesigns #malapuram #Kozhikode #Kannur #Wayanad #Kasargod #Thrissur #Palakkad #Ernakulam #Kottayam #Idukki #Pathanamthitta #Kollam #Alappuzha #Thiruvananthapuram
₹65 per sqft
Labour Only
#popcontractor #popwork #popceiling #popcornish #popwalldecor
#pop-seiling #Malappuram # gypsum #FalseCeiling #popceiling #pop pop #
Pop work contact #popcontractor #Malappuram #Kozhikode #Wayanad #Kannur #Palakkad #KeralaStyleHouse #InteriorDesigner
#popwalldecor #popwalldesign #popwall #popcontractor #popceiling
₹65 per sqft
Labour + Material
GYPSUM POP WORK CONTACT #popceiling #popcontractor #popdesign #Malappuram #Kozhikode #Palakkad #Kannur #Wayanad #all_kerala
#FalseCeiling #GypsumCeiling #gypsumplaster #gypsumpartition #gypsumceilingworks #cement_fiber_board #PVCFalseCeiling #voxceiling #cornice #popceiling #popcontractor
pop light design #Electrician #Electrical #ELECTRIC #electricaldesignerongoing_projec #electricaldesignerongoing_project #intreior #interiordesignkerala #InteriorDesigner #interriordesign #CelingLights #StaircaseLighting #lighting #lightautomation #lightcolour #popfalseceiling #pop #hanginglight #panallights #covelights #covelight #chandlier
Pop works #Kozhikode #KeralaStyleHouse #MasterBedroom #Malappuram #popceiling #InteriorDesigner #HomeDecor
POP/False Ceiling
CASSARA 7356357002
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