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Gopeesh Chandran
Painting Works | Palakkad, Kerala
₹12 per sqft
Labour + Material
Painting works on going #Palakkad #exterior_ #Painter #painting
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₹15 per sqft
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we build your dream home at your land #empirebuilders #KeralaStyleHouse #Palakkad #fullhomeconstruction #plastering
₹1,800 per sqft
Labour + Material
Football turff project going on
Best colonial design for your unique home.... One of our Project @Thrissur district... Thrissur, Eranamkulam,Palakkad , dist Vasudha Homes Lamex Archade PO Road Thrissur -680001 Ph- 7012294648, 9563897897
Painting Works
Gopeesh Chandran
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