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vaseem k
Contractor | Malappuram, Kerala
Labour + Material
client Mr Shyam Kumar plce : Thrissur, trikkur sq ft 2000 full fining work flooring Vt tiles and marble D/w Steel and wupc modular kitchen sky light 3 bhk #homedesigne #InteriorDesigner #2storyhome #ModularKitchen #HouseConstruction #
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#NAFEESATHULMIZRIYA #MINHAJBUILDERS #Nafeesathulmizriyamizalvilla@gmail Client, Mr Sajid Pallickal
2000 sqft home for Mr Vishnu kozhikod
On going work@Areacode client Mr . shamsu CHENGANA mob : 9567208211 # # #
COMPLETED WORK@ AREEKODE, MALAPPURAM CLIENT : Mr. LATHEEF HAJI AREA : 2300 SQFT 4BHK PH :8714177930 #HouseDesigns #30LakhHouse #ElevationHome #HomeDecor #veed #HouseDesigns #khd #khdc #ContemporaryHouse
RED WALL HOUSE Client: Mr. Salim #ElevationDesign
client Mr Basheer place kannur sq ft 6000 Door and window Tek wood flooring Vt tiles , granite 5 bhk single story house #homesweethome #Architectural&Interior #SingleFloorHouse #opencourtyar #swimmingpools #LandscapeGarden
Labour + Material
#HomeAutomation #homedesignideas #ElevationHome #homedesigne #HomeDecor #homeinterior #3dhomedesign #Palakkad #palakkaddiaries
Client: Mr Rajan. Pattambi . . #ContemporaryHouse #exteriordesigns #3DPlans #ElevationDesign #KeralaStyleHouse #modernhousedesigns #tropicalhouse #twostorey
client : Mr Jishar Changaramkulm Plan : Majeed ( Dazzle mabani ) Design Team : Space Arch
client mr : gireesh location : Nilambur
House Details Ground floor & First floor ( Total Area ) - 2850 square feet. Bedroom - 4, Bathroom - 4. facilities; Sitout , Car Porch, Living, Dining, Modular Kitchen, Fire Wood Kitchen, Store Room, Courtyard, Staircase, Upper Living ......etc. Client : Mr. Rajeev Location : Muttil,Wayanad. Engineer : Sreejith
client: Mr. Noushad, Kannur #ProposedResidentialProject #Residencedesign #residentialbuilding #modernhouse #ContemporaryHouse #ElevationHome
more info: (+91) 7510690001 #InteriorDesigner #construction #exterior_Work #exteriordesigns #LandscapeIdeas #exteriordesing #SmallHomePlans #plans #LUXURY_INTERIOR #interiores #homedesigne #homedecoration #new_home #Renovationwork #budgethomes #instahome #keralahomestyle #keralam #indiaarchitects #architact #Architectural&Interior #Contractor #WallDesigns #gypsumplaster #GypsumCeiling
On going project 💞 mr chandran #Palakkad #lumion3d #lumion11pro #3d #archutecture #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #FloorPlans #budget_home_simple_interi
front view #ElevationHome #ElevationDesign #frontElevation #homedesigne #CivilEngineer #civilcontractors #civilconstruction #HouseConstruction #constructionsite #extirior3d #extiriordesign #KeralaStyleHouse #MrHomeKerala #keralaarchitectures #Malappuram
₹1,900 per sqft
Labour Only
*3D DESIGN (EXTERIOR & INTERIOR)* 2000 രൂപക്ക് 3D ചെയ്തു നൽകുന്നു (3 view sqft/ 2)
₹2 per sqft
Labour Only
New Project client Mr Vinod and Maya menon Area 2000 sqft 3Bedroom/ Courtyard / Living / Dinning Kitchen / work area / Pooja Cont us for your requirements 9567345114 #NewHomedesignkerala #Buildersinkerala #engineersinpalakkad
exterior 3d Category : renovation client :Mr Vahid Location : Pathiripala #palakkalconstruction #ElevationHome #HouseRenovation #KeralaStyleHouse #3dvisulization
Project : Residential Area : 2350 Sq ft Client : Mr Janil Das Location : Atholi, Kozhikode #new_home #KeralaStyleHouse #ContemporaryHouse #kozhikodearchitect #HouseDesigns
വീട് നിർമ്മാണം ഓരോ മനുഷ്യന്റെയും ജീവിതത്തിലെ ആഗ്രഹമാണ് അതൊരു ഭാഗ്യമാണ് നല്ല രീതിയിൽ സംതൃപ്തിയിൽ ചെയ്യാനും ചെയ്യിക്കാനും കഴിയുക എന്നത് എല്ലാവർക്കും ആ ഭാഗ്യം ഉണ്ടാവട്ടെ, Client, Mr Zain Kaipamangalam #NAFEESATHULMIZRIYA #MINHAJBUILDERS #Nafeesathulmizriyamizalvilla@gmail
vaseem k
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