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Pest End pest control service
Waste Management | Kottayam, Kerala
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The issue of electrical failure of cables due to termite attack has been recognized for over years. Termites will rule the house and will force the resident to evacuate. Sometimes homeowner’s complaint of short circuits without any valid reason for such mess to occur. Several times we come across such a situation where the electric wires and cable are damaged badly by termites. The termites are unaware of the use of cables and they feed on them by gnawing through electric cables and wire and thus causing damage to the wires and cables. The termites get easily attracted to those old electric wires which contain cellulosic material and these wires which are destroyed has the high possibility of short circuits and power failures and buildup of earthen material around power points. Termites use the electric boards to move from one place to another. If there is termite infestation behind a wall activity then it can prove to be shock or fire hazard #termitecontrol #Anti-Termite
₹10 per sqft
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Australian चीटियोंका घर तो Indian चीटियोंसे काफी अलग है🤔😮 नहीं देखा होगा तो क्लिक करो😉
bee eater का घर कभी देखा है ??😍😁 मस्त बनाया है !! देखो 😍🫡 #beeeater #bee #eater #house
enqiry 8089618518 Are u afraid of Irritiant Pests like Ants, Cockroaches, Millipedes, Centipedes, Crawling insects.. we are here to remove all... call us @8089618518
Bye Bye to Irritiant Pests... call us @8089618518.. service @ all Kerala level
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Waste Management
Pest End pest control service
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