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Sayoof T P
Service Provider | Malappuram, Kerala
Coffee Table
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#CoffeeTable # coffee table
'Being able to follow your dreams is a blessing...' #architecture #homearchitecture #interior #floorplan #Vasudhahomes
#CoffeeTable # coffee table #tree root designed #furniturework #
*Coffee table* Images shown are for display purpose only Products will be made according to customer needs and designs matching to your interior Please contact us for more
₹3,900 Sqft
Labour Only
Welcome to our collection of epoxy coffee tables! Our unique designs are perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any living space. Crafted with high-quality materials and finished with a stunning epoxy resin, our coffee tables are not only beautiful, but also durable and long-lasting. Whether you're looking for a bold statement piece or a subtle accent, our selection has something for everyone. Contact 9526008881 #CoffeeTable #Dining #epoxyresintable #HomeDecor #livingspaces #OfficeRoom #homeinterior #homestyle #Architectural&Interior
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Labour Only
RESIN COFFEE TABLE FOR SALE 20000/- rs Irregular shape 2.5ft irregular circle 4 inch thickness white blue and silver colour combination delivery across India contact or DM for orders dispach in 7 days contact us at. +91 9778027292 #epoxyresintable #epoxytablekerala #epoxytables #CoffeeTable #epoxy #HouseDesigns
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Labour + Material
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