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vody poder
Service Provider | Malappuram, Kerala
#5kw ongrid solar.# #Per day 20units production.#
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#Solar ongrid project #Roof top Solar #Solar energy # #5kw ongrid # monoperk half #20unit per day #
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#Pearl grass @20 per sqft, all India transportation, labour, installation, all plants are available... For more details please contact this number 8075791943 #
₹40 per sqft
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Baioflock tank 5meter and 4meter dia
8kw ongrid solar system @malappuram,vengara
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manglore pattern roof tiles #RoofingDesigns #ClayRoofTiles #claytile #clay #claytileroofing #ClayRoofTiles #roofing #SteelRoofing #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #architectureldesigns #architectsinkerala #best_architect #architectindiabuildings #archituredesign #interiorcontractors #exteriorhomedecor #civil_engineer_07
5kw on grid solar system athani Thrissur All Kerala PH no 7034443738
5kw on grid solar system with poly crystalline panel under MNRE subsidy scheme installed at Veliyancode Malappuram. Please contact for installation # 9544860438 #solarenergy
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WORK IN PROGRESS ✨🏡 📍 PLANING 📍 3D Exterior Design 📍 Interior Design 📍 3D Floor Plan ✨ Exterior... നിങ്ങളുടെ സങ്കൽപ്പത്തിനു അനുസരിച്ച്. നിങ്ങളുടെ വീടിൻറെ EXTERIOR 'ഫോട്ടോ റിയലിസ്റ്റിക് 3D VIEW ആയി DESIGN ചെയ്തു തരുന്നു Contact: 7561858643 📍Dm Us For Any Design @ak_designz____ Contact me on whatsapp 📞7561858643 #designer_767 #house #housedesign #housedesigns #residentionaldesign #homedesign #residentialdesign #residential #civilengineering #autocad #3ddesign #arcdaily #architecture #architecturedesign #architectural #keralahomes @kolo.kerala @archidesign.kerala @archdaily
5kw on grid solar system OlariThrissur All Karela PH No 7034443738
ongoing kannur progression.. #Architect #architecturedesigns #kerala_architecture #keralastyle #ElevationHome #HomeDecor
Service Provider
vody poder
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