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Sarath S
Civil Engineer | Alappuzha, Kerala
#FloorPlans #toiletinterior #toilet #intiriordesign
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₹15 per sqft
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₹4 per sqft
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Electrical Concept Layout Plan for @Mr. Anish Eda kochi ഇടകൊച്ചിയിൽ ഉള്ള അനീഷ് സാർ നു വേണ്ടി ചെയ്ത ഒരു ഇലക്ട്രിക്കൽ കോൺസെപ്റ്റ് ഡ്രോയിങ്. #electrical, #electricalengineering, #electricalcontractor, #electricalsafety, #electricalwork, #mepengineering,#Design, #house, #interiordesign, #interiorstyle, #housedesign, #autocaddrawing. #Abhinand, #abhinandkundoor, #design, #MEP, #mepkochi, #electricalkochi, #electricalkerala, #keralaelectrical, #mepengineering, #eveed,#Eവീട്,#khdec, #keralahomedesign #wiring, #electrician, #Electrification.
₹3 per sqft
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2100 sqft 4BHK House Plan #residentialplan #homedesigne #EastFacingPlan #autocaddrawing #vasthuhomeplan #LShapedStaircase #familylivingroom
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WiFi CCTV camera available #cctv #ipcamera #camers
It is necessary to have the right size when it comes to study tables. Too big or too small would drastically affect your productivity hence have a look at the average size of a study table before you get one for yourself, Hit save on our posts to refer to later. Learn tips, tricks and details on Home construction with Kolo Education🙂 If our content has helped you, do tell us how in the comments ⤵️ Follow us on @koloeducation to learn more!!! #koloeducation #education #construction #interiors #interiordesign #home #building #area #design #learning #spaces #expert #consguide #style #interiorstyle #studytable #furniture #table
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approval drawings for municipality and panchayath, 94463463.16 #FloorPlans #approval #estimate #3d
And we bring to you a standard size guide for reference! Check out the standard sizes of living rooms with our new post. We’ve included small, average and large sizes for you to choose for your home. Have a look! Learn tips, tricks and details on Home construction with Kolo Education If our content has helped you, do tell us how in the comments ⤵️ Follow us on @koloeducation to learn more!!! #koloeducation #education #construction #setback #interiors #interiordesign #home #building #area #design #learning #spaces #expert #consguide #livingroom
*construction * key hand over
₹1,450 per sqft
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Electrical Concept Layout Plan for @Mr. Subash കോഴിക്കോട് ഉള്ള അനീഷ് സാർ നു വേണ്ടി ചെയ്ത ഒരു ഇലക്ട്രിക്കൽ കോൺസെപ്റ്റ് ഡ്രോയിങ്. #electrical, #electricalengineering, #electricalcontractor, #electricalsafety, #electricalwork, #mepengineering,#Design, #house, #interiordesign, #interiorstyle, #housedesign, #autocaddrawing. #Abhinand, #abhinandkundoor, #design, #MEP, #mepkochi, #electricalkochi, #electricalkerala, #keralaelectrical, #mepengineering, #eveed,#Eവീട്,#khdec, #keralahomedesign #wiring, #electrician, #Electrification.
₹3 per sqft
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Job No : 119 🏡 Client Name : Mr Shaheer Area : 900 SQ FT Elevation : Contemporary Location : Pookkam, Thalassery, Kannur
Civil Engineer
Sarath S
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