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🇰 𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚗𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚜 🇰 𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖚
Interior Designer | Ernakulam, Kerala
₹4 per sqft
Labour Only
#FloorPlans #WestFacingPlan #HouseDesigns #2000sqft #KeralaStyleHouse #InteriorDesigner #ModularKitchen #vasthuplan #vasthuhomeplan #familylivingroom #LShapedStaircase #Workarea #MasterBedroom #varapuzha
Vishnu K D
Home Owner | Ernakulam
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2100 sqft 4BHK House Plan #residentialplan #homedesigne #EastFacingPlan #autocaddrawing #vasthuhomeplan #LShapedStaircase #familylivingroom
₹2 per sqft
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₹1,450 per sqft
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1200 sqft 3BHK House Plan #KeralaStyleHouse #vastplan #3BHKHouse #openterrace #towerroom #WestFacingPlan #LShapedStaircase #singlestory
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Electrical drawing commissioned work client: Manoj Place: Thrissur . . for works pls contact me . . #workingdrawing #HouseDesigns #HomeAutomation #ContemporaryHouse #ElevationHome #High_quality_Elevation #electricaldesignerongoing_projec #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #InteriorDesigner #FloorPlans #3DKitchenPlan #TraditionalHouse #galleryplace #Thiruvananthapuram #koloapp #planing #eletricalwork #architecturekerala #WestFacingPlan
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#KeralaStyleHouse #1000SqftHouse #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #InteriorDesigner #FloorPlans #EastFacingPlan #interiordesignkerala #HouseDesigns #Palakkad
₹4 per sqft
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#FloorPlans #WestFacingPlan#rs 2 per sq.ft
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pure vasthu plan
# 3 cent plot house plan.. as per vasthu.. # #
₹15 per sqft
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Vasthu Plan - West Facing - 4300Sq.Ft - Nalukettu - #vasthuhomeplan #6bhkhouse #WestFacingPlan #laxuaryhomes #4300 #TraditionalHouse
₹5 per sqft
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#vasthuplan #EastFacingPlan #4bhkplan #colonialhouse #ContemporaryHouse #TraditionalHouse #1950sqft #vasthuhomeplan #vasthuconsulting #vastufloorplan #HouseDesigns #KeralaStyleHouse #HouseDesigns
₹5 per sqft
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Vasthu 2d Plan- 5Rs/Sq.Ft #vasthuplan #2DPlans #TraditionalHouse #floorplan #KeralaStyleHouse #vasthuhomes #Vastuconsultant #vasthuplan #vasthu_consultancy #homedesignkerala #MrHomeKerala #traditionalhousedesingkerala #vasthuplans #vasthuconsultancy
₹5 per sqft
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#FloorPlans #below1500sq #KeralaStyleHouse
#WestFacingPlan #NorthFacingPlan #north #northface #West #MasterBedroom #3BHK #3BHKPlans #toilet #FloorPlans #floorplaning #floorplanning #floorplanrendering #floorplanning #vastu #Vastuforlife #vastuplanning #dinning #Washroom #sitout #sitoutstep #KitchenIdeas #Workarea
#mepdrawing #Palakkad #MEP_CONSULTANTS #MEP #mepdesigns #mepkochi #mepengineering #electricaldesignerongoing_projec #electricaldesignerongoing_projec #Architect #architecturedesigns #Nalukettu #TraditionalHouse #KeralaStyleHouse #InteriorDesigner #plumbingdrawing #plumbingwork #wiring #4BHKPlans #2000sqftHouse #calicutdesigners
#FloorPlans #toiletinterior #toilet #intiriordesign
*Plans * Panchayat & Municipal Approval Building Plans
₹4.5 per sqft
Labour Only
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Area 1350 Sqft Location : Pallipad 3Bhk #FloorPlans #KeralaStyleHouse #3BHKPlans #CivilEngineer #permit #approval #structureknowledge
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Modern House.......... #homedesign #residence #construction #civilengineering #interiordesign #planning #elevation #beautifulhome #house #design #buildings #keralahomedesigns #keralahome #architecture #homestyling #exteriordesign #lighting #archdaily #homeplans #drawing #ArchitecturalDesign #homedecoration #kitcheninterior #modernhome #homedesignideas #civilengineering #budgethome #newconstruction #floorplans ##kerala #keralastyle #civilprojects #ernakulam #simpledesign #house2d #2dplan #elevation #autocaddrawing #vastu
Interior Designer
🇰 𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚗𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚜 🇰 𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖚
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Vishnu K D
Home Owner | Ernakulam