Modern Living Room Design Ideas from Hapur, Uttar Pradesh

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Have you recently moved and are looking for living room decorating ideas? Or, are you feeling underwhelmed with the appearance of your current living room and looking for a budget-friendly way to update your living room?

A living room is the heart of a house where most of the happening things occur. It serves as a family's meeting place, where guests meet, play games, watch TV, and interact with each other. Your living room interior designs are determined by the function and purpose for which it is used. You may consider making your living room a more formal area that is separate from your comfortable family space if you have more than one drawing room. Before you start, get an idea of what you're going to face by looking at these living room ideas first.

How to decorate my living room?

The style and design of your living room are largely determined by its function and utility. If the living room is designed to be a sophisticated setting for entertaining guests, the family room is designed to be more casual and used for everyday activities, such as watching TV or lounging. You can choose a multifunctional living room layout and design if you have a larger space.

Take into account the static elements of the living room including doorways, plug sockets, phone sockets and TV ports before starting the actual work. After organizing your living room furniture and decorating the room, you don't want to discover your ironing table away from the plug sockets.

Plan the layout of furniture and other elements next. You need to consider a living room design that can accommodate the basic seating and decor elements as well. The seating will be the main focus of your living room. While you don't want your couches or recliners to dominate your living room interior, there should be enough space for everyone to sit comfortably. Lastly, you can add storage and decor that complement the intended style.

What living room colour is in?

If you are remodelling your living room, you might find it hard to choose your living room colour scheme that suits your style as well as complement the existing decor. For instance, if there is a painted wall in the room, a piece of furniture or any prominent piece of living room decor that is the focal point, that would be the dominant colour. Once the dominant colour is fixed, think of other colours that would compliment it. The most straightforward way to match a colour is to pick a neutral dominant colour. If the dominant colour is neutral, then making accents work for your style is easy because you can work both bold and subtle.

How to arrange my living room furniture?

A living room is a versatile space, so you'll want to make sure to add different furniture pieces to make the most of it. Couches, divan sets, and chairs are all good options for basic seating, depending on the living room layout. For small living rooms, you can opt for floor seating or window seating; both are practical options.

The room should also have a coffee table and bar cart if it will be used as a lounge or entertainment area. Keep electronics and accessories organized by installing built-in shelves or a bookcase to store books, picture frames, and knick-knacks.

How to choose my living room wallpaper?

There are no fixed rules on choosing the wallpaper for your living room. However, it is imperative that all decor items blend with the room's style and the rest of the house. During decorating, you should keep neutrals and colours in balance. By planning your colour schemes ahead of time, you will be able to achieve a good balance. You can experiment with many colours by choosing neutral wall paints or wallpaper colours and furniture. In the same way, to make your sofa stand out, scale back the decor so it doesn't compete with it for attention. Be sure to incorporate mid-sized items, such as rugs, throws, decorative pillows, curtains, and plants, which can serve as functional and decorative elements. You should pay attention to the living room lighting since it has a major impact on the living room wallpaper. Consider adding elements like overhead lighting or spotlights to illuminate the room or a piece of art.

View photos and other decor ideas and remodelling ideas for the rest of your home on the KOLO APP as well.

Use Kolo App to get a lot of living room or drawing room design inspirations whether you're remodelling your living room or designing a drawing-room from scratch. Browse through our beautiful living room decor ideas for the latest and modern living room design trends. Contact the professional who made the best drawing room design that inspired you to see what kind of design ideas they have for your living room. Explore our beautiful living room photo gallery and find out exactly why Kolo App is the best experience for home renovation and design.