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deepu kottayam
Gardening & Landscaping | Kottayam, Kerala
₹165 per sqft
Labour + Material
Bangalore stone
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Bangalore stone
₹165 per sqft
Labour + Material
Bangalore Stone
₹165 per sqft
Labour + Material
Landscape Design with 3d views to get a better understanding #LandscapeDesign #LandscapeGarden #LandscapeIdeas #3dview #3dvisualizer #Landscape #landscapearchitecture
Bangalore stone
₹165 per sqft
Labour + Material
Royal Stone #BangaloreStone
*Work finished site@Aluva* Total Sqft: 375.00 pebbles-1300kg walkway stone-26sqft With tropical plants contact 8304093336 . . #bangalorestone #pebbles #walkway #tropicalplants #yellowpebbles #smallgarden #pebbleswork #gardenideas #clovalandscape #calathea #pondicherrypebbles
#Bangalore stone
₹155 per sqft
Labour + Material
Laterite Stone 🏡 . . . #greencaplandscape #homeinterior #SmallHomePlans #IndoorPlants #keralaarchitectures #Architect #homedesigne #keralahomeplans #keralahomeinterior #keralahomestyle #keraladesigns #keralahomedream #Architectural&Interior #interiorcontractors #interiorcontractors #constructioncompany
# Tandoor stone # Paving
site@Eroor client: 250sqft Bangalore stone half cut (1/1) #BangaloreStone #halfcut #stonelaying #landscapinginkerala #LandscapeGarden #naturalstone
Bangalore stone
₹165 per sqft
Labour + Material
Bangalore Stone Work #BangaloreStone #kotastone #tandurstone #SandStone #banglourstonewithartificialgrass #banglorestonewithnaturalgrass #kadappastone
₹170 per sqft
Labour Only
work completed at kayamkulam #garden work#banglore stone#
₹150 per sqft
Labour Only
exterior garden with buddha sculpture artificial grass #exterior_Work #exteriordesigns #exteriordesing
Bangalore stone full wark 135₹
Bangalore stone with artificial grass
₹170 per sqft
Labour + Material
Gardening & Landscaping
deepu kottayam
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