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Merlin V Vincent
Civil Engineer | Thrissur, Kerala
βΉ5 per sqft
Labour Only
#vasthuplan #2DPlans #4BHKPlans #TraditionalHouse #vasthuplan #vasthuconsulting #vasthuhomes #vasthu
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New project, 2500 sqft contemporary house plan #2DPlans #4BHKPlans #ContemporaryHouse #autocad2delevations #economicaldesign #vasthuplan 2D plans at low prices
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Vasthu Based 4795 Sq.Ft East Facing Traditional House Plan #EastFacingPlan #vasthuplan #TraditionalHouse #HouseDesigns #3BHKPlans #caddrafting #KeralaStyleHouse #vasthuconsulting #floorplan
βΉ5 per sqft
Labour Only
#4BHKPlans #KeralaStyleHouse #ContemporaryHouse #bigbudject #vasthuconsulting #vasthuplan #FloorPlans #2DPlans #2dDesign #archanaarchetecturalstudio #modernhome #MasterBedroom #ModularKitchen #newsite
3bhk plan 1200sqf, near kolenchery #cochin #kochi #ElevationHome #HouseDesigns #FloorPlans #frontElevation #vasthu #vasthu_consultancy #vasthuplans #bugethomes
Ground Floor Plan - 1460 Sqft #floorplan #keralahouseplans #2BHKPlans #4BHKPlans #groundfloorplan #2DPlans #planrender
#EastFacingPlan #vasthuhomeplan #4BHKPlans #SingleFloorHouse #2400sq #TraditionalHouse #ContemporaryHouse #2DPlans #vasthuconsulting #vasthushasthra #vasthuthrissur #vasthu #vasthuhomes #KeralaStyleHouse #autocad2d
βΉ5 per sqft
Labour Only
Ground Floor Plan - 1510 Sqft. #FloorPlans #houseplan #2DPlans #2BHKPlans #4BHKPlans #HouseDesigns #house #keralahousedesigns #groundfloorplan
#ContemporaryHouse #vasthuplan #FloorPlans #vasthuconsulting #vasthuhomes Work For Dream Homes Thrissur π
βΉ5 per sqft
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#plan #FloorPlans #2DPlans #4BHKPlans #2000sqftHouse #KeralaStyleHouse #keralahomeplans
#1850sqft #4BHKPlans #vasudhahomes #erdivyakrishna #keralaarchitectures #topbuilders #dreamhousedesigns
Vasthu Plan- 5Rs/Sq.Ft 1752 Sq.Ft - 3BHK - East Facing Vasthu Plan Client name:- Dilna Place :- Kannur Type:- contemporary #vasthuconsulting #vasthuplan #vastufloorplan #3BHKHouse #EastFacingPlan #ContemporaryHouse #2DPlans #vasthu
βΉ5 per sqft
Labour Only
#vasthuplan#EastFacingPlan #4bhkhouseplan #TraditionalHouse #2000sqftHouse #vasthuconsulting #vastuexpert #vastutips #Vastushastra #ContemporaryHouse #goodvibes #2DPlans #autocad2d
Labour Only
Kerala Traditional Home plan π‘ 4BHK ππ 2621 sq.ft Location: Palakad Sitout Living Family Living Nadumuttam 4 Bedroom attached 1C-Toilet Dining Kitchen Store Laundry . . . . #khd #keralahomedesigns #traditional #traditionalhome #nalukettu #keralahomedesign #architecturekerala #keralaarchitecture #renovation #keralahomes #interior #interiorkerala #homedecor #landscapekerala #archdaily #homedesigns #elevation #homedesign #kerala #keralahome #thiruvanathpuram #kochi #interior #homedesign #arch #designkerala #archlife #godsowncountry #interiordesign #architects #budgethome #homedecor #elevation #plan
βΉ2,500 per sqft
Labour Only
Traditional plan under 2900 sq ft. with all client requirements. #FloorPlans #TraditionalHouse #SlopingRoofHouse
#KeralaStyleHouse #homesweethome #homedesigne #keralaart #keralaarchitectures #archanaarchetecturalstudio #2DPlans #FloorPlans #autocad # #2Dlayouts #4BHKHouse #vasthuplan #vasthuhomeplan #vasthuhomes
βΉ2 per sqft
Labour Only
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4 bhk 2950 sqft kottayam #FloorPlans #architecturedesigns #architecturekerala
#NorthFacingPlan #4BHKPlans #50LakhHouse #2500sqftHouse
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βΉ4 per sqft
Labour Only
Civil Engineer
Merlin V Vincent
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