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ARCHANA Architectural studio
Civil Engineer | Malappuram, Kerala
₹2 per sqft
Labour Only
#KeralaStyleHouse #homesweethome #homedesigne #keralaart #keralaarchitectures #archanaarchetecturalstudio #2DPlans #FloorPlans #autocad # #2Dlayouts #4BHKHouse #vasthuplan #vasthuhomeplan #vasthuhomes
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#4BHKPlans #KeralaStyleHouse #ContemporaryHouse #bigbudject #vasthuconsulting #vasthuplan #FloorPlans #2DPlans #2dDesign #archanaarchetecturalstudio #modernhome #MasterBedroom #ModularKitchen #newsite
floor plans ₹1000/- contact 9562334263 #FloorPlans #autocad #FloorPlans #WestFacingPlan #EastFacingPlan #NorthFacingPlan
vasthu plan,63 kol, East face Anilmaster
#SmallHomePlans #KeralaStyleHouse #homesweethome #FloorPlans #planandelevations #vasthuhomes
₹1.5 per sqft
Labour Only
# vasthu plan
#vasthuplan #EastFacingPlan #4bhkplan #colonialhouse #ContemporaryHouse #TraditionalHouse #1950sqft #vasthuhomeplan #vasthuconsulting #vastufloorplan #HouseDesigns #KeralaStyleHouse #HouseDesigns
₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
#KeralaStyleHouse #ketalahomedesigner #keralastyle #keralaarchitectures #keralahomedesignz #FloorPlans
Plan ഏറ്റവും കുറഞ്ഞ നിരക്കിൽ സ്വന്തമാക്കൂ for more details msg or call 7907207988 Ground Floor Plan Area :1094 sq.ft Construction Cost: 1800 to 2100 per Sq.ft Catagory: 3/4BHK House For More Info - Call or WhatsApp +91 7907207988 #ContemporaryHouse #FloorPlans #houseplan #houseplans #2DPlans #floorplan #keralaarchitectures #keralahomeplans #Palakkad #45LakhHouse #2d_plans #kerala_architecture #SouthFacingPlan #keralastyle #keralahouseplans #homeplan #homeplans #NorthFacingPlan #civilconstruction #HouseConstruction
#KeralaStyleHouse #keralaarchitectures #ElevationHome #FloorPlans #ContemporaryHouse #new_home #besthome #vasthuplan
₹1.5 per sqft
Labour Only
#EastFacingPlan #vasthuhomeplan #4BHKPlans #SingleFloorHouse #2400sq #TraditionalHouse #ContemporaryHouse #2DPlans #vasthuconsulting #vasthushasthra #vasthuthrissur #vasthu #vasthuhomes #KeralaStyleHouse #autocad2d
₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
2d plan #2DPlans #homedesigne #FloorPlans #Kozhikode #TRISSUR #Landscape #5bhk #karnataka #modernhouses
#2dDesign #2DPlans #floorplans #2BHKHouse #2BHKPlans #keralastyle #keralaplan #CivilEngineer #thrissurprojects #Eastfacing #EastFacingPlan #below2000 #budgethomes #budgetkeraladesigns #coustomised #aspertherequest #FloorPlans
₹1.5 per sqft
Labour Only
Plan ഏറ്റവും കുറഞ്ഞ നിരക്കിൽ സ്വന്തമാക്കൂ for more details msg or call 7907207988 FLOOR PLAN Area : 1670 sq.ft Construction Cost: 1800 to 2100 per Sq.ft Catagory: 3/4BHK House For More Info - Call or WhatsApp +91 7907207988 #ContemporaryHouse #FloorPlans #houseplan #houseplans #2DPlans #floorplan #keralaarchitectures #keralahomeplans #Palakkad #45LakhHouse #2d_plans #kerala_architecture #SouthFacingPlan #keralastyle #keralahouseplans #homeplan #homeplans #NorthFacingPlan #civilconstruction #houseconstructioncivil #FloorPlans #keralahouseplans #vasthuplan #vasthuhomeplan #3BHKHouse #3BHKPlans #4BHKPlans #4BHKHouse #3bhk #4bhk #4bedroomhouseplan #3bedroom #keralaplanners
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Ground floor plan #autocad #homesweethome #floorplan
#KeralaStyleHouse #ElevationHome #homesweethome #homeinspo #archanaarchetecturalstudio #homedesigne #keralaplanners #keralaart #vasthuplan #vasthu_consultancy #vasthuconsulting #SmallHouse #simolehouse
#KeralaStyleHouse #FloorPlans #newhomesdesign #homesweethome #keralaarchitectures #budgethomeplan
₹1.5 per sqft
Labour Only
#traditional #4bhk #6515sq.ft #eastfacing #vasthu #2d house plan #adorable #trending plan #goodvibes #vasthuhomeplan #vasthu_consultancy #vasthushasthra #TraditionalHouse #goodhomes #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaarchitectures
₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
*floor plan* autocad work freelance ayi cheythu kodukkunnu
₹2 per sqft
Labour Only
Civil Engineer
ARCHANA Architectural studio
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