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Antony Prabin
Carpenter | Ernakulam, Kerala
₹1,400 per sqft
Labour + Material
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Client name - Mellow beauty parlour Location - Edamuttam , Thrissur Type of construction- Exterior with interior Total area - 550 Sq ft Work status - progressing Total cost - 15 Lac . . More details for design and constructions Arccom Builders Contact :- +91 9846 628 628 8767600400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #home #design #interiordesign #homedecor #interior #architecture #homesweethome #homebuying #homedesign #homesweethome2023 #dreamhouse #BudgetFriendly #constraction #contamporary #builder #keralahomedesign #allkerala #budgethome #keralamodel #stylegram #kerlastyle
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Antony Prabin
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