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Bright Gypsum Plastering
Building Supplies | Kollam, Kerala
₹40 per sqft
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₹40 per sqft
Labour + Material
gypsum plaster
₹45 per sqft
Labour + Material
Location: Chadayamangalam client: Mr. Syam Raj #gypsumplaster #Gypsum
₹42 per sqft
Labour Only
#gypsumplaster #gypsumplastering #gypsum #gypsumwork #InteriorDesigner #wallplaster #wallplastering #cementplaster #cementplastering #putty #extreme #ecofriendly #lowcostconstruction
₹45 per sqft
Labour + Material
#gypsumplaster #gypsum
#gypsumplaster #gypsumplastering #InteriorDesigner #HouseDesigns #HomeDecor #homeinterior #Architect #CivilEngineer
IIRA Gypsum Plastering എങ്ങനെ നന്നായി ജിപ്സം പ്ലാസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യാം.? എങ്ങനെ ആണ് ജിപ്സം പ്ലാസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യുന്നത് എന്ന് ആലോചിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടോ ? ഒരു ജിപ്സം പ്ലാസ്റ്ററിങ് എങ്ങനെയാണു ഭംഗിയായി ചെയ്യുന്നത് എന്ന് നോക്കാം. #gypsumplaster #SaintGobain #keralabuilders #keralahomeplanners #keralahome #iirainterior
₹45 per sqft
Labour + Material
New site @Chadayamangalam, client: Mr.Syam Raj #gypsumplaster #gypsum
₹42 per sqft
Labour Only
wrk done at marangoli church.. #GypsumCeiling #gypsumplaster #gypsumciling #gypsummodel #SaintGobainGyproc #gypsumboard #gypsomaxx #gypsummodel #saintgobain-gyproc
₹70 per sqft
Labour + Material
#gypsumplaster Wip location :Alenchery
#gypsumplaster #gyptel #followers #Contractor #houseowners #hdmrgypsum #25yearwarranty
#GypsumCeiling #gypsumplaster #gypsumciling #SaintGobainGyproc #gypsumboard #gypsumceilingworks #gypsumdesign
₹22 per sqft
Labour Only
at raanny.. #GypsumCeiling #gypsumplaster #gypsumworks #gypsumdesign #gypsumceilingworks #SaintGobainGyproc #gyproc #gypsummodel
₹70 per sqft
Labour + Material
#gypsumplaster #gypsumplastering #Architect #Contractor #HouseDesigns #houseowner
₹40 per sqft
Labour Only
another work done at kaduthuruthi.. #GypsumCeiling #gypsumplaster #gypsom #gypsom❤️ #gypsumpartition #gypsumceilingworks #gypsumdesign #gypsummodel #gypsumplasteringcompany #gypsumciling
₹70 per sqft
Labour + Material
Gypsum plastering finished site @kottayam....6235980650 # # gypsum plaster
#gypsumplaster #gypsumplastering #saintgobain-gyproc #SaintGobainGyproc #saintgobain #gyprocindia #EliteMR #xpertplus #GypsumCeiling #Homedecore #homesweethome
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Bright Gypsum Plastering
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