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അനിൽ ബി കൃഷ്ണ അനിൽ ബി കൃ ഷണ
Architect | Alappuzha, Kerala
"Transparent Buddha " Relief Sculpture Fiber 3 X 4 Feet. 800000/- #anilbkrishna #indiansculpture #Alappuzha
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buddha relief sculpture #InteriorDesigner #InteriorDesigner #InteriorDesigner
buddha sculpture #InteriorDesigner
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Labour Only
#for sale Buddha's statue
Labour Only
Original Buddha sculpture 2.5 feet tall seated. custom delivered to your address. retail price includes production cost and transportation anywhere in India. Whole sale price for minimum 2 pieces.. contact us for details..#buddha #buddhastatue #buddhasculpture #sculpture #gardensculpture #gardendecor #indoordecor #meditation #Peace
Labour + Material
custom 2.5 feet original work of art. Buddha sculpture Labor + material+courier charges to your home .. anywhere in India #buddhaart #buddhastatue #gardensculpture #sculptureart #Kollam #trivandrum@ #kochi
Labour + Material
garden sculpture & planter 5 feet work in progress.. Sandstone white and colored finish available. #gardensculpture #gardenplanter #LandscapeGarden #statue #sculpture
Labour Only
*relief sculpture* cement relief sculpture
₹1,600 per sqft
Labour Only
Sree Buddha stone
Labour Only
Buddha sculpture 2.5 feet tall sitting pose in Dhyana mudra . retail price includes cost of production, material cost and courier charges to your home in india. #buddha #buddhastatues #buddhaart #gardensculpture #buddha #buddhastatues
Labour + Material
5 feet garden sculpture planter #gardensculpture #LandscapeGarden #sculptureart #sculpture #LandscapeDesign #landscapearchitect
Labour Only
relief sculpture #Prayerrooms #PrayerCorner #InteriorDesigner price 3000/sqft (with meterial )
sculpture #sculpure
#sculptureart #sculpturestudio #sculpture
Rustic 3 feet Buddha on the rocks. #buddha #buddhastatue #buddhalove #gardenstone #HomeDecor #decor
Labour Only
Sree ayyapa relief sculpture work done @ pandalam. #reliefsculpture #art #sculpure #HomeDecor #interiordesigns #interiordesignerkerala
Labour Only
#stone finish Budha sculpture #Budha #budhahead 2.5 feet cement
Labour + Material
#size 1x 1.3 mtr 10 cm thick
jesus wooden sculpture #8891990024
Labour Only
അനിൽ ബി കൃഷ്ണ അനിൽ ബി കൃ ഷണ
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