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my blueGarden
Gardening & Landscaping | Kollam, Kerala
Rustic 3 feet Buddha on the rocks. #buddha #buddhastatue #buddhalove #gardenstone #HomeDecor #decor
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#for sale Buddha's statue
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Buddha sculpture 2.5 feet tall sitting pose in Dhyana mudra . retail price includes cost of production, material cost and courier charges to your home in india. #buddha #buddhastatues #buddhaart #gardensculpture #buddha #buddhastatues
Labour + Material
buddha sculpture #InteriorDesigner
Original Buddha sculpture 2.5 feet tall seated. custom delivered to your address. retail price includes production cost and transportation anywhere in India. Whole sale price for minimum 2 pieces.. contact us for details..#buddha #buddhastatue #buddhasculpture #sculpture #gardensculpture #gardendecor #indoordecor #meditation #Peace
Labour + Material
Buddha face relief sculptur w8 feet x 7 feet #buddhastatue #buddhaart #buddhatree #Buddhaface #cementartwork #statue #status
Labour Only
#budhastatue #budhafountain #budhhawall 8 feet size, cement
Labour + Material
#interiorarchitecture #waterbody #50LakhHouse
Sree Buddha stone
Labour Only
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5 feet garden sculpture planter #gardensculpture #LandscapeGarden #sculptureart #sculpture #LandscapeDesign #landscapearchitect
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#budhhawall #bricks #exposedbrick #exposedbrickwork #stonepaving #stonework #exposedconcrete #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #HouseDesigns #ElevationHome #homesweethome #ContemporaryHouse #SmallHouse #40LakhHouse #MixedRoofHouse #HouseConstruction #KeralaStyleHouse
Buddha and leaves size:w 20 feet x H 11 feet #buddha #buddhastatue #buddhawallpers #buddhastatues #InteriorDesigner #Architectural&Interior #interiores #teracotta #terracottaart
Labour Only
Gardening & Landscaping
my blueGarden
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