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shijujoseph architect
Architect | Malappuram, Kerala
3bhk❤️ 1200sqft We will draw the plan according to your requirement and the way you like it. more detail contact:-9605122983 #architecture_plans #IndoorPlants #IndoorPlants #6centPlot #SmallHomePlans #plans
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The 2BHK contemporary budget home plan is designed to provide a cozy and comfortable living experience #2bhkhomes #keralastyle #contemporary #Malappuram #Kozhikode
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2 BHK Kerala house plan🏠
3BHK HOME PLAN area : 1191 sq.ft #sthaayi_design_lab
4Cent 3BHK HOME PLAN area : 1191 sq.ft 3 BEDROOM 2ATTACHED SITOUT LIVING DINING KITCHEN work area #sthaayi_design_lab #FloorPlans #4bhk #3BHK #4BHKHouse #4BHKPlans #3centPlot #4centPlot #4cent
3bhk 1283Sqft home plan
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Ground Floor Plan #floorplan #SouthFacingPlan #3BHKPlans
#Floor Plan 1000 sqft #3BHKHouse
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825 sqft more plans contact +918921888634 2bhk home budget friendly #plan #ElevationHome #budgethomes #SingleFloorHouse #simple #architecturedesigns #CivilEngineer #Contractor #HouseConstruction #FloorPlans
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north facing plan,2700 sqft 3BHK plan #3BHKHouse #ContemporaryHouse #newplan #3BHKPlans #keralaarchitectures #keralahomeplans #NorthFacingPlan
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3 bhk area : 2400.00sqft #archidesignhome #arcitecturevizualization #architecture #3dvisualization #3dhomedesign #vray #keralahomes #keralahomedesign #viralhomes #homelove #keralahouse #keralahome3delevation #keralaviral #viralhomes
4Cent 3BHK HOME PLAN area : 1191 sq.ft 3 BEDROOM 2ATTACHED SITOUT LIVING DINING KITCHEN work area #sthaayi_design_lab #FloorPlans #4bhk #3BHK #4BHKHouse #4BHKPlans #3centPlot #4centPlot #4cent
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Plan ഏറ്റവും കുറഞ്ഞ നിരക്കിൽ സ്വന്തമാക്കൂ for more details msg or call 7907207988 Ground Floor Plan Area :1094 sq.ft Construction Cost: 1800 to 2100 per Sq.ft Catagory: 3/4BHK House For More Info - Call or WhatsApp +91 7907207988 #ContemporaryHouse #FloorPlans #houseplan #houseplans #2DPlans #floorplan #keralaarchitectures #keralahomeplans #Palakkad #45LakhHouse #2d_plans #kerala_architecture #SouthFacingPlan #keralastyle #keralahouseplans #homeplan #homeplans #NorthFacingPlan #civilconstruction #HouseConstruction
shijujoseph architect
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