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Dome Structures and Builders
Civil Engineer | Palakkad, Kerala
north facing plan,2700 sqft 3BHK plan #3BHKHouse #ContemporaryHouse #newplan #3BHKPlans #keralaarchitectures #keralahomeplans #NorthFacingPlan
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Area :1750.00 sqft 3bhk #floirplans #2DPlans #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaarchitectures #NorthFacingPlan #keralacontractors #keralaconstruction #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&Interior #3BHKPlans #3BHKHouse #groundfloorplan #HomeDecor #sweethome #newhomeconstruction #newhomesdesign
Plan ഏറ്റവും കുറഞ്ഞ നിരക്കിൽ സ്വന്തമാക്കൂ for more details msg or call 7907207988 FLOOR PLAN Area : 1670 sq.ft Construction Cost: 1800 to 2100 per Sq.ft Catagory: 3/4BHK House For More Info - Call or WhatsApp +91 7907207988 #ContemporaryHouse #FloorPlans #houseplan #houseplans #2DPlans #floorplan #keralaarchitectures #keralahomeplans #Palakkad #45LakhHouse #2d_plans #kerala_architecture #SouthFacingPlan #keralastyle #keralahouseplans #homeplan #homeplans #NorthFacingPlan #civilconstruction #houseconstructioncivil #FloorPlans #keralahouseplans #vasthuplan #vasthuhomeplan #3BHKHouse #3BHKPlans #4BHKPlans #4BHKHouse #3bhk #4bhk #4bedroomhouseplan #3bedroom #keralaplanners
Labour Only
1700 sqft Residence proposal Plan #1700sqftHouse #ContemporaryHouse #ContemporaryDesigns #openliving #dininglivingarea #sketches #sketchplan #FloorPlans #3BHK #3BHKHouse #3BHKPlans
Proposed 3bhk plan .. ..#Kozhikode #Malappuram #wayanad #kozhikottukar .. #inscape #3BHKPlans #plants #homeplan #budgethomes #InteriorDesigner #interiorpainting #interiordesign #BedroomDecor #MasterBedroom #KeralaStyleHouse #keralahomedesignz #CivilEngineer #Architect #Plywood #mica #VeneerCeling #Veneer #GypsumCeiling #TexturePainting #BedroomDesigns #keralaplanners #godsowncountry #music #loveinterior #loveligts #NorthFacingPlan #home3ddesigns #exteriordesigns #Kozhikode #kozhikoottukar #Malappuram
1000 sq.ft 3bhk
Labour Only
1650 sq ft 3BHK Plan #planning #courtyardhouse #3BHKPlans
1900sqft 3bhk plan . . #FloorPlans #1900sqfthouse #2000sqftHouse #3BHKHouse #3BHKPlans
Labour Only
3bhk house plan . . . #inscape #3BHKHouse #3BHKPlans #residenceproject #KeralaStyleHouse #3BHKHouse #budget #budgethomes #keralaarchitectures #archviz #CivilEngineer #HouseConstruction #economicaldesign #keralatourism #godsowncountry #indian #keralaplanners
Vasthu Plan- 5Rs/Sq.Ft 1752 Sq.Ft - 3BHK - East Facing Vasthu Plan Client name:- Dilna Place :- Kannur Type:- contemporary #vasthuconsulting #vasthuplan #vastufloorplan #3BHKHouse #EastFacingPlan #ContemporaryHouse #2DPlans #vasthu
₹5 per sqft
Labour Only
3bhk 2D plan #2DPlans #3BHKPlans #autocad
₹1 per sqft
Labour Only
1800 sqft 3bhk residence. @ Thrissure. East facing plan #architecturedesigns #civilconstruction #InteriorDesigner #swimmingpool #courtyardhouse #SmallHouse #3BHKHouse #KeralaStyleHouse #keralatraditionalmural
3BHK Plan #3BHKHouse #3BHKPlans #3bedroom #HouseDesigns #homeplan #homeplans #new_home #FloorPlans #EastFacingPlan
₹2 per sqft
Labour Only
Plan ഏറ്റവും കുറഞ്ഞ നിരക്കിൽ സ്വന്തമാക്കൂ for more details msg or call 7907207988 Ground Floor Plan Area :1094 sq.ft Construction Cost: 1800 to 2100 per Sq.ft Catagory: 3/4BHK House For More Info - Call or WhatsApp +91 7907207988 #ContemporaryHouse #FloorPlans #houseplan #houseplans #2DPlans #floorplan #keralaarchitectures #keralahomeplans #Palakkad #45LakhHouse #2d_plans #kerala_architecture #SouthFacingPlan #keralastyle #keralahouseplans #homeplan #homeplans #NorthFacingPlan #civilconstruction #HouseConstruction
3bhk plan for your house... Pls Follow for More Details Pls contact me through WhatsApp for More Plan . #3bhk #SmallHouse #smallplots #smallhousedesign #3centPlot #5centPlot #KeralaStyleHouse #3d #FloorPlans #keralahomeplans #HouseDesigns
₹3 per sqft
Labour Only
Kerala House Plan 3bhk plan #3BHKPlans
3BHK RESIDNETIAL . . . #3BHKHouse #3BHKPlans #LUXURY_INTERIOR #lowcosthouse #Architect #CivilEngineer #autocad #StaircaseDecors #InteriorDesigner #inscape #music #KeralaStyleHouse #keralahomedesignz #keralahomeplans #exteriors #residenceproject #SouthFacingPlan #NorthFacingPlan #ClosedKitchen
3bhk Plan for Your House നിങ്ങൾ വീട് പണിയാൻ പോവുകയാണോ? എന്നാൽ ഒരു നിമിഷം... ഞങ്ങളെ എൽപിക്കൂ . ഞങ്ങൾ നിങ്ങളുടെ വീടിനെ മനോഹരമാക്കാം താഴെ കൊടുത്ത നമ്പറിൽ call ചെയ്യുക അല്ലെങ്കിൽ Whatsapp ചെയ്യുക Our services: Plan | Estimates 3d Exterior designs &, walkthrough With full working drawing Interior 3d with detailed drawing service available anywhere in India Online Service Contact: +91.623.859.2311 ( WhatsApp) . . #keralaarchitectures #keralahomeinterior #keralahomeplans #keralahomestyle #keralahomeinteriorexterior #3BHKHouse #3DPlans #3d #3dhouse #KeralaStyleHouse #FloorPlans #4BHKPlans #3BHKPlans
₹1,850 per sqft
Labour Only
1478 fqft 3bedroom #FloorPlans #3bedroom #1400sqftHouse #architecturedesigns #homeplansdesigns #1500sqftHouse #3BHKHouse #3BHKPlans #3BHK #3Bed
3bhk plan 1200sqf, near kolenchery #cochin #kochi #ElevationHome #HouseDesigns #FloorPlans #frontElevation #vasthu #vasthu_consultancy #vasthuplans #bugethomes
Civil Engineer
Dome Structures and Builders
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