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AVM Infratech Pvt Ltd
Architect | Delhi, Delhi
Steps involved during column jacketing. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #column #columns #columnjacketing #jacketing #retrofitting #strengthening #columnstrengthening #civilengineering #sitework #educational #avminfratech #building #buildingwork #repair #repairwork
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Process of Column Jacketing! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #column #columns #columnrepair #columnjacketing #jacketing #repair #rehabilitation #rehab #retrofit #retrofitting #strengthen #strengthtraining #strength #superstructure #avminfratech
Looking for a façade maintenance work! Contact us now. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #facade #façade #facadedesign #facaderenovation #facaderestoration #facaderepair #repair #renovation #renovationproject #building #buildingmaterials #buildingrepairs #buildingrepair #avminfratech #delhi #retrofitting #restoration #society
Transformation of an old bathroom. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #transformation #transformationjourney #transformationchallenge #transformations #bathroom #bathroomdesign #bathroomdecor #bathroomremodel #bathroomrenovation #bathroominspiration #bathroomideas #bathroomdecoration #avminfratech #bathroomgoals #renovation
Site progress! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #siteprogress #progress #workprogress #work #siteupdate #update #updates #renovation #project #renovations #revamp #revamped #modular #furniture #modularhome #checkitout #dailyupdates #housework
WIP update of 3BHK Flat renovation! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #wip #workinprogress #work #progress #3bhk #3bhkflats #3bhkinterior #3bhkhomes #apartment #flat #house #homedecor #homedesign #home #renovate #renovation #avminfratech #delhi #revamp
Retrofitting & Repair Works. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #retrofitting #repair #civilrepair #civilretrofits #retrofit #building #column #beam #slab #shuttering #structure #structural #engineer #engineering #repairs #structures #structuralsteel #avminfratech #structuralengineer #project
Happy Republic Day! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #republic #republicday #republicdayindia #india #republicdayspecial #republicday🇮🇳 #republicdaycelebration #republicday2024 #2024 #26january #celebration #avminfratech
Wall panelling WIP. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #wallart #velvet #artist #decor #panel #designinterior #wip #site
Anti termite treatment in the house. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #antitermite #antitermitetreatment #antitermites #termite #termites #termitecontrol #termiteinspection #termitetreatment #termitedamage #termiteproof #termiteswarm #termiteseason #termiteprotection #avminfratech #treatment #treatments #bayer #bayerpremise #premise
Stay tuned! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #officeinterior #officemakeover #interiors #architect #architecture #officevibes #upcoming #underconstruction #delhi #india #update #renovation #staytuned #interiorinspiration #designprocess
Epoxy chemical grouting in deficient RCC structure. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #epoxy #epoxygrout #epoxygrouting #grouting #chemicalgrouting #nonreturnvalve #nrv #rccstructure #rcc #structure #civilengineering #avminfratech #deficient #strengthening #retrofitting
Different types of closet doors! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #closet #door #closetdoor #closetdoors #closetdoormakeover #makeover #furniture #furnituredesign #design #avminfratech #types #wardrobe #wardrobedesign #panel #shutter
Happy Independence Day! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #independenceday #independence #financialindependence #independencedayindia #independence_day #independenceday🇮🇳 #happyindependenceday #independencedayindia🇮🇳 #india #15august #august #avminfratech #independencecelebration #celebration
Behind the scenes for 3BHK flat renovation! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #behindthescenes #behind #behindthescene #3bhk #3bhkflats #flat #house #home #renovation #renovate #update #updates #wip #workinprogress #interiordesign #interior #design #homedesign #avminfratech
Simple yet sophisticated and usable working space at your home! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #simple #sophisticated #working #desk #desksetup #workmode #workmodeon #avminfratech #furniture #furnituredesign #furnituremakeover #workfromhome #custom #customedfurniture #design #detail
Building façade repair/retrofitting works in high rise towers. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #society #dwarka #dwarkadelhi #dwarkaexpressway #final #finaloutput #output #result #results #retrofittingbuildings #tower #towers #avminfratech #civilengineering #civilengineer #civilconstruction #civilwork #work #repairwork #measurement #constructionsite
Project about to be handed over! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #project #handover #handoverday #wip #workinprogress #progress #work #site #sitework #projectmanagement #avminfratech #review #3bhk #renovation #renovate #renovateandrevamp #renovated #revamp #revamped #inbudget #budget
3BHK home renovation updates! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #3bhk #3bhkflats #3bhkhomes #homedecor #homedesign #home #house #housebeautiful #housegoals #renovation #renovationproject #renovationlife #revamp #avminfratech #wip #wipart #workinprogress #interior
Subtle and sober office vibes. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #office #vibes #interiordesign #architecture #architect #red #officedesign #officeinterior #director #cabin
Stay tuned for the upcoming transformation! Are you excited? Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #staytuned #upcoming #transformation #excited #interiordesign #luxurylifestyle #architecture
AVM Infratech Pvt Ltd
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