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AVM Infratech Pvt Ltd
Architect | Delhi, Delhi
Happy Republic Day! Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #republic #republicday #republicdayindia #india #republicdayspecial #republicday🇮🇳 #republicdaycelebration #republicday2024 #2024 #26january #celebration #avminfratech
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Terrazzo is a composite material, poured in place or precast, which is used for floor and wall treatments. It consists of chips of marble, quartz, granite, glass, or other suitable material. Follow us for more such amazing informations. . . #terrazzo #terrazzodesign #architect #architecture #interior #interiordesign #commercial #restaurant #architectural #knowledge #material #finishes #chips #stone #flooring #floor #designed #planning #floorplan #granite #marble #stonechips
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(5 of 5) The ultimate guide to Solar Panel technology. Follow us for more such amazing informations. . . #solar #solarpanels #sun #sunlight #panels #technology #solarenergy #architect #architectural #knowledge #terrace #architecture #greenbuilding #green #building
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# Happy republic day. All friends.
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When it's time to sum up the presentation for showcasing to your client. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #architect #architecture #architectural #architecturedesign #architectureporn #architecturelover #architecturephoto #architecture_hunter #architecturemodel #architecturedetail #architects #architectanddesign #architecturaldesign #architecturalvisualization #architects_need #architectedinterieur #architectlife #avminfratech
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AVM Infratech Pvt Ltd
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