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Kishan Kumar
Painting Works | Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
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#1250 PR SQFT#,#3d Shri Radhey Krishna Designer Modern Corian Mandir with led lights#,#9711785151#
₹1,250 per sqft
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₹1,200 per sqft
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Bhatiya Interior Expert in Moti Nagar, Delhi, specializes in crafting affordable and exquisite mandir designs. Their expertise in combining aesthetics with budget-friendly solutions ensures a divine and tasteful space for worship. For a harmonious blend of affordability and spiritual elegance, trust Bhatiya Interior Expert for your mandir design needs. #mandir #Poojaroom #Prayerrooms
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
Marble home temple. Manufacturerd & export. More design & size option. If any inquiry contact us whtspp 📲 ↪️ +91 988219967, +91 7014279378. #templearchitecture #templedesign #poojaroomdesign #poojaroominterior #interiordesign #architecture #delhi #mumbaifilmcity #vadodara ##gaziabad #noida #delhincr #chandigarh #Faridabad #surat #Chennai #indore #manali #Kolkata #jammu #patna #hyderabad #bangalore ##ahmedabad #Gurgaon #amritsar #chandigarh #bhopal #pune #Goa #vishakapatnam #hometemple #templestoneworks
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design mandir with us #mandir
Mandir design for clients #ongoing #InteriorDesigner #HouseDesigns #2DPlans #furniture #exterior_Work #autocad #Autodesk3dsmax #mandirdesign #mandir #mandirbackwall #LivingroomDesigns
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
Uttar Pradesh
Painting Works
Kishan Kumar
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