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dilfukar painter
Painting Works | Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
# apply putty and primer
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putty and primer complete now ready for textuer... if you want decor your home like a luxury and professional pleace contact.. ( 6269073689) #TexturePainting #WallPutty #WallDecors #WallDesigns #WallPainting #HomeDecor
complete putty and paint work #WallPutty
*paint* 2 coat putty and fainl coting, (product- assian tector emulsion, bergar baison,)
₹10 per sqft
Labour Only
##sending by machine,. paint, putty, primer ,wood polish, grill , door , painting tuktuk painting...9560475931
###wood polish ,door sending, paint ,putty, primer ,wood polish , grill & door painting, etc tuktuk painting...9560475931
2 bhk flat plastic paint with repairing and primer #Painter #Plasticwallplant
Labour Only
*putty and paint * wall painting work
₹90 per sqft
Labour Only
*Painting works* Providing Wall Putty,primer,& Deluxe (promise) paints works,,Wall & Ceiling,, Interior
₹29 per sqft
Labour Only
# # # #airless spray painting.... # #enamel paint, , #grill and door painting,. # putty , #primer # wood polishing # metal painting.....9560475931
putty apply with airless 970 putty sprayer machine .... tuktuk painting service... 9560475931
putty and painting work
###wall putty apply .... tuktuk painting..9560475931
# pint, putty , primer, texture, wood polish,metal painting, spray painting exterior and interior painting....9560475931
wall putty apply for bord
*Painting works * 2 layer of putty, than sanding,than 1 layer primer and than 2 layer obd
₹13 per sqft
Labour + Material
*wall painting,texture,polish* Selecting the correct tools and paints for projects. Preparing walls and other surfaces before painting. Mixing and applying paints, varnishes, and sealants for a lasting finish. Covering exposed objects and surfaces. Using fillers such as putty and plaster to repair cracks. Buying paint, brushes, and other supplies. Obeying workplace safety rules. Collaborating with other design and construction specialists. Keeping the workspace and tools clean.
₹20 per sqft
Labour + Material
pop wall sending and apply first coat primer
*Putty primer* Paint contractor
₹15 per sqft
Labour Only
#old wall repairing with water proof chemical and jali.. then we start putty and paint... pls contact if your house damage our water leakage problems... 8617252687
Tuktuk Painting service.... paint ,putty ,primer, texture wood polishing, metal painting, grill and door , exterior and interior painting service, ... 9560475931
Uttar Pradesh
Painting Works
dilfukar painter
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