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kasim ahmad
Interior Designer | Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
#3D wall #
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3D Wall Papers Design
Highlight a room with a large metal wall art. A simple clean cut design which will embellish your space and elevate it to a whole new level. #interior #decor #ideas #home #interiordesign #indian #colourful #decorshopping
Create a warm and inviting living room by adding a yellow sofa to the yellow-painted space. Balance the colour by using coffee tables, floor lamps, ottomans, and wall decors in white shade. Add planters to give a fresh and cheerful vibe to the space. #interior #decor #ideas #home #interiordesign #indian #colourful #decorshopping
Wallpaper for walls decoration ideas 💡 #rngwall 9212725040
For more information watch video For buying link The Seven Colours 3D Wall Decors Hare Ram Hare Krishna Golden 3D Acrylic Self Adhesive Letters for Home Decoration | Office Wall Decors
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Niches in walls are shelves that are as stunning as the design elements they house! Have a look!
A simple way to bring architectural shape to featureless rooms, adding wall panelling is a practical choice, as it can add protection to walls, avoiding general wear and tear, plus it can add a level of insulation too. Follow us for more such amazing updates. . . #simple #way #bring #architect #architecture #interior #interiordesign #rooms #livingroom #decor #design #wallpanel #panelling #insulation #aesthetic #perspective
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₹75 per sqft
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raedymed 3d jipsum wall panel design wholesale price contact 9548080860.7217212818
₹70 per sqft
Labour + Material
Uttar Pradesh
Interior Designer
kasim ahmad
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