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Arch Curate Interior
Interior Designer | Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
Lounge design. #restraunt
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₹1,200 per sqft
Labour Only
Landscaping gardening . . . #gardening #terrace #terracegardening #parks #trees #pots #design #interior #civil #construction #civilwork #column #wooden #WoodenWindows #ModularKitchen #bestinteriors #beautifulinterior #designer #bestdesigner #furniture
Balcony garden. #green #BalconyGarden #HouseDesigns
#LandscapeIdeas #LandscapeGarden #LandscapeDesign #landscapearchitecture #Landscape
As we evolve, our homes should too , contact us to transform your terrace into your new hangout place🔥🔥 📞9818616727 ✉️ . . . . #terrace #garden #summer #home #design #architecture #interiordesign #interior #balcony #nature#balconyview #balcony #balconylife #balconydecor #balconygarden
₹300 per sqft
Labour + Material
Best artificial grass with best price contact my 8464031482 for more information. 40MM=Rs.40 per sqft
#NaturalGrass #artificialgarden
terrace garden interior Y.K interior designer new and renovation contractor #terrace #RoseGarden #roofgarden #gressoneylatrinité #ykbestintetior #ykintetior #ykhomeinterior #ykbuildingrenovation #ModularKitchen #MovableWardrobe #Modularfurniture #modularkitchen #ClosedKitchen #BathroomStorage #HouseDesigns #Contractor #Acrylic #Architect #VerticalGarden #CelingLights
₹600 per sqft
Labour + Material
please contact me for any 3d view, interior design & exterior view
METAL PERAGOLA 9990956272 7017920490
paragola with black paint deco finish # #
Labour + Material
new pargola dising # #7982896375
Excited to share a sneak peek of my upcoming terrace garden project design! 🌿 Can't wait to see these plants thrive and add a touch of greenery to my outdoor space. Stay tuned for more updates! #TerraceGardenDesign #GreenThumbsUp #OutdoorOasis"
Uttar Pradesh
Interior Designer
Arch Curate Interior
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