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Ghanshyam Tiwari
Glazier | Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
Sliding Door, Window, Office Cabin etc
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Sliding Door, Window, Office Cabin etc
Aluminium office cabin #AluminiumWindows #Aluminiumcompositepanel #toughenedpartition
₹225 per sqft
Labour Only
#oue new project #restaurant_bar_cafe_des
*35 mm aluminium Sliding Doors Windows* above Rates are applicable if area is more than 200 sqft if glass specification is change then rates will be automatically change
₹950 per sqft
Labour + Material
*aluminium office cabin partition windows * very good service
₹30 per sqft
Labour Only
DOMALL WINDOW AND DOOR # sliding door #sliding window # trust # glass # tafand glass #glass balcony #aluminium cabin #glass partion #aluminium glass
office cabin
#dwomall sliding window
₹450 per sqft
Labour Only
UPVC door window
pota office cabin
office cabin
₹450 per sqft
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upvc only window sliding door all work
₹600 per sqft
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#Aluminum Patititon work with sliding Door
Aluminium Fabrication Door,window Sliding window 2 track 3 track
#ModularKitchen wire pantry
sliding Door Almirah with golden profile #woodenAlmirah #almirahdesign #furnitures #Carpenter #carpentery
Uttar Pradesh
Ghanshyam Tiwari
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