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Shavej malik
3D & CAD | Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
1200 per sqft
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1200 per sqft modular kitchen.
₹1,200 per sqft
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*modular kitchen * Starting rate will be 850rs per sqft it depends on you what quality or brand you wants
₹850 per sqft
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*Home design * whith materiyal 1. 1050 per sqft 2.1250 per sqft 3. 1500 per sqft 4. 1600 per sqft -- all Home wall डेकोरेशन एंड पाटेशन fast and besf company materiyal प्रोवाइड
₹1,050 per sqft
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*modular kitchen * fully modular kitchen factory per maded RS. 1990 per sqft. modular kitchen hand maded rs 1450 sqft. this kitchen was made by a factory
₹1,450 per sqft
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laminated kitchen rate 1200 sqft #ModularKitchen #ushapekitchen #KitchenIdeas #WoodenKitchen
₹1,200 per sqft
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modular kitchen 1200/ per sqft
modular kitchen in best price with best quality
Modular Kitchen aesthetic styles. Get your kitchen designed by us like this. #InteriorDesigner #ModularKitchen #Modularfurniture #KitchenIdeas #interiorcontractors #interiores #designkitchen #WoodenKitchen #KitchenCabinet #KitchenInterior
modular kitchen full finishing
modular kitchen Installed in Gaur City greater Noida #ModularKitchen #InteriorDesigner #Architectural&Interior #WoodenKitchen 1150 per sqft
₹1,150 per sqft
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Modular Kitchen @Rs. 1200 per sq. ft.
₹1,000 per sqft
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*Modular Kitchen and Wardrobe * Almari rate : 1200 per sqft modular kitchen rate : 1250 per sqft
₹1,200 per sqft
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*Modular kitchen with material* Modular kitchen with material starting from 950/- per sq ft
₹950 per sqft
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kitchen Rs 1200 sqr fit with material
*Kitchen Interior with Design and Work with Material * Rate starting from 800 to 1400 per sqft including with Interior design + Labour + Material
₹800 per sqft
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*modular kitchen* modular kitchen work starting price Rs 1650 per sqft and maximum price Rs 2500 per sqft. with soft close fitting,
₹1,650 per sqft
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kitchen finishing of work # hi-tech interiors
Uttar Pradesh
3D & CAD
Shavej malik
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