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united intirior home decor
Contractor | Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
₹250 per sqft
Labour Only
*carpenter* all wood work labour
More like this
*Wood works* all wood work only labour rate.
₹250 per sqft
Labour Only
furniture banvay con. 9981175443 #furnitures #InteriorDesigner #KitchenInterior #LivingRoomTable #Mordern
#indorecity #Carpenter #DoubleDoor #farniture
Labour + Material
*interior Design * carpenter all work with material mein 1100 square feet aur without material labour charge ₹250 squire feat
₹1,100 per sqft
Labour + Material
*Carpentry works* all wood work.
₹1,200 per sqft
Labour Only
raj bhai 🔨
₹220 per sqft
Labour Only
slider wordrobe
₹480 per sqft
Labour Only
*carpenter * kitchen,almira, bed, dressing,l.c.d unit, sofa,much many more furnitures. you see we're making, we making all types furnitures
₹38 % material ka
Labour Only
all type furniture work Kiya jata hai call me 8435447811
Madhya Pradesh
united intirior home decor
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