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Mr Khan
Contractor | Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
₹50 per sqft
Labour + Material
#popcontractor #popwork #FalseCeiling #falseceilingexperts #POP_Moding_With_Texture_Paint #InteriorDesigner #interiorpainting #Painter
Rohit sahu
Home Owner | Bhopal
Bhopal mein karvana hai
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#popwork #popmolding #popfallceiling #POP_Moding_With_Texture_Paint #poppvc
#popceiling #popdesine #popwork #popwork #popcontractor #popularbuildersincochin
₹105 per sqft
Labour Only
Customized False Ceiling designs with professional implementation at site. Best False Ceiling works with free design support. Get your home ceilings a makeover. Contact us at +91 7723844820(Call/Whatsapp) #GiveLifetoYourCEILINGS #falseceilingworks #falseceilingexperts #falseceilingindore #bestfalseceilingcompany #ceilingdesigns #ceilingworksindore #falseceiling #gypsumceiling #woodenceiling #falseceilingdesigns
pop ka sara kam kiya jata hai pop ka work karna ka lia sampark kara NO,- 8085408101 location. - Indore, Bhopal, Ujjain #popwork #popcontractor
₹75 per sqft
Labour + Material
#popceiling #POP_Moding_With_Texture_Paint #popdesine #popwork #popcolour #pop-seiling #poppunning #popmolding #popfallceiling #popularbuildersincochin #popcontractor #popcornish #popularbrands #Contractor #realestateagent #HouseConstruction #HomeDecor #homedecoration #homedesigne #3500sqftHouse #MixedRoofHouse
₹70 per sqft
Labour Only
False ceiling work and POP work at very low rate #FalseCeiling #celling #PVCFalseCeiling #popwork
₹100 per sqft
Labour + Material
Mr Tauphik sheikh Indore mp #popceiling #popcontractor #popularbuildersincochin #popfallceiling # #
पी ओ पी सीलिंग करवाने के लिए कॉन्टैक्ट करें Bhopal Madhya pradesh #popceiling #POP_Moding_With_Texture_Paint #popwork #popmolding #pop-seiling #GypsumCeiling #gypsumplaster #gypsumpartition #gypsumciling #Gypsam #gypsumboard #gypsumceilingworks #gypsumdesign #gypsumplastering
simple and elegant false ceiling design by me #InteriorDesigner #FalseCeiling #LivingroomDesigns #HouseDesigns #house_planning #rennovations
#popdesine #popcontractor #popwork #popfalseceiling
₹60 per sqft
Labour + Material
pop mob. 9522417171 #popceiling #popdesign #popcontractor #PVCFalseCeiling #pvcdesign #pvcwalldesign #pvc
pop work. 9522,41,71,71 #popceiling #popcontractor #FalseCeiling #False #PVCFalseCeiling
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₹80 per sqft
Labour Only
fall ceiling new design only on the unique interior #theuniqueinterior2012 #zanukhan #CeilingFan #POP_Moding_With_Texture_Paint #InteriorDesigner
pop.m 952241.7171 #popceiling #FalseCeiling #PVCFalseCeiling
Pop work done at site #InteriorDesigner #CivilEngineer #HouseConstruction #popceiling #interiorpainting #constructionsite #KitchenInterior
Labour Only
pop work pvc m. 952241.7171 #popceiling #PVCFalseCeiling #FalseCeiling
Madhya Pradesh
Mr Khan
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Rohit sahu
Home Owner | Bhopal
Bhopal mein karvana hai