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Shaurya Nirman construction and Builder
Contractor | Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Work in Progress @shaurya_nirman . . . #indore #interiordesigner #civil #civilconstruction #trendingreels #viral #builderslife #constructionlife #indorecity #furnituredesign #modulerkitchen #civilengineer #civilengineering #indorediaries #reelsvideo
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Interior work at Indore M.P @shaurya_nirman . . . #indore #interiordesigner #civil #civilconstruction #trendingreels #viral #builderslife #constructionlife #indorecity #furnituredesign #modulerkitchen #civilengineer #civilengineering #indorediaries #reelsvideo
Work in progress interior Project scheme no 54 Indore . . . . . . . . #InteriorDesigner #indorehouse #affordableinteriors #homeinteriordesign #HomeDecor #bestarchitecture #bestinteriordesign #BedroomDesigns #WardrobeIdeas #WardrobeDesigns #girlbedroomdesign #WalkInWardrobe #closet #workinprogress
work in progress #bb_counstruction_decorators #FalseCeiling #PVCFalseCeiling #Architectural&Interior #indorecity #HouseDesigns
construction Work in progress# #rate 1350 per square with material# #indorecity
Indore DB Pride (Work in Progress) #construction #constructionsite #KitchenInterior #LivingroomDesigns #BathroomDesigns #Poojaroom #Architectural&Interior #InteriorDesigner #LivingRoomSofa #planing
work in progress #frontelevationdesign #civilconstruction #CivilEngineer #civilcontractors #HouseConstruction #frontElevation #sitevisit #viral #trandingdesign #traditionaldesign
₹1,600 per sqft
Labour + Material
plumbing work in progress #plumbering #CivilEngineer #civilconstruction #civil_engineer_07 #koloviral #kolohindi #koloindia
civil work in progress #civilwork
Site at Nagpur work in progress #HouseConstruction #constructionsite #best_architect #newdesignhomes #CivilEngineer #civilconstructions #newplan #newdesign #newdesignhomes #newdesigner #newdesigner #indoreengineer #trandingdesign
layout of pile foundation. work in progress. size 50'X 30' #CivilEngineer #sitework #pile #pilefoundation #LAYOUT
Interior Design Work in Progress #Architectural&Interior #InteriorDesigner #interiorpainting #LUXURY_INTERIOR #indorecity #indoreinterior #indore_project #indorediaries
₹1,500 per sqft
Labour + Material
Work in Progress - Project 20x50 @ Svojas associates #HouseConstruction #architecturedesigns #civilconstruction #HouseDesigns #FloorPlans #amazing_planning #indorehouse #indorecity #indoresityconstruction
construction In Indore. Work in progress 33*70
₹1,450 per sqft
Labour Only
work in progress... #HouseConstruction #ElevationHome #vaishnaviconstruction #CivilEngineer #indorehouse
work in progress at kolar bhopal call 7909473657 for all work civil Interiors exterior Elevation Design etc
work in progress at Malwa County, Indore #CivilEngineer #civilcontractors #civilconstruction #HouseDesigns #SmallHouse #InteriorDesigner #EastFacingPlan #viralpost #TraditionalHouse #trandingdesign
₹1,450 per sqft
Labour + Material
work in progress #InteriorDesigner #cafedesign #indorecity
rookwool work in progress #civilconstruction #civil_engineer_07 #civilwork #InteriorDesigner
Sky luxeria indore work in progress ✨✨ #indore #indianarchitecturel #indorehouse #InteriorDesigner
FM RADIO OFFICE 📻 WORK IN PROGRESS 🧿 COMING SOON FOR MORE UPDATES TARUN VERMA : @dt_furnitur #tarun_dt #radiomirchi #vijaynagar #officework #loveinterior #InteriorDesigner #indorecity
Madhya Pradesh
Shaurya Nirman construction and Builder
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