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Waterproof Yard Waterproof Yard
Water Proofing | Ernakulam, Kerala
Slope roof 🏣 #Waterproofyard #Waterproofing #Sloperoof #Fosrocbrushbond #pidilite#MYK #Sika #Nowaterloggig #Architects #CivilEngineers #Structuralengineers#Homeowners #Villas #Appartments 'Quality wins ' is our motto. site details : classified #GovindPrakash
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#WaterProofings #roofwaterproofing #SlopingRoofHouse #Water_Proofing #leakage #leak_proof #Fosroc #brushbond #sika #BASF #myk #drfixit
#WaterproofYard It's equally important to SHIELD your #terrace #Roof against UV rays thus preventing crack formation on your buildind roof top & terrace. #UVProtection #Waterproofing #waterproofyard #Homeowners #GovindPrakash #Waterproofingapplicator #Architects #Villas #Builders #CivilEngineers #Contractors #Toiletwaterproofing #Terracewaterproofing SHIELD your home from waterleaks Our motto- "Quality Wins"
#single storey# #ContemporaryDesigns # #slope roof# #truss work# #cnc work#
roof concrete kazhinju. mavelikkara
#WaterproofYard #RoofwaterproofingSystem #Sika #Elastomericcementitiouswaterproofingsystem #HeavyRainfall #Waterleakage #Waterlogging #Seepage #Architects #CivilEngineers #Contractors #GovindPrakash #Homeowners #IndipendentHouses#Appartments #Builders #Consultants #Villas #QualityWins We always stickon to & uphold our motto & values of 'QUALITY WINS' (Site details: classified)
we build your dream home @your land #mainslab #concrete #Reinforcement/Electrical #electrification
₹1,800 per sqft
Labour + Material
Waterproof Yard. #WaterproofYard #Waterproofing #Architects #Engineers #CivilEngineers #Homeowners #Villas #Indipendenthomes #Builders #Toiletwaterproofing #Terracewaterproofing #OpenTerrace We value our wellwishers & customer base. Quality Wins is our motto. #Qualitywins #Quality #Wins (site details classified)
#TraditionalHouse #KeralaStyleHouse #keralahomestyle #keraladesigns #3BHKHouse #RoofingDesigns #cladding #Cherthala #Kollam #Alappuzha #ernakulamdiaries #foundation #stoned
Ongoing site @ Kottayam. #Brickwork completed. #residenceproject For details contact, Kannampadathil Constructions, Kottayam 9495706656 9074187906
Client: Sajith Location: Ernakulam Type: Residential building Style: Tropical Area:2600sqft Status:On going work #civilcontractors #CivilEngineer #constructionsite #HouseConstruction #residenceproject #ongoingproject #sweet_home
Labour + Material
#Ongoing_project #structure #buulders
₹1,800 per sqft
Labour + Material
Sloped roof concrete #structurework #CivilEngineer #Architect #HouseConstruction #constructionsite #newideas #TraditionalHouse #constructioncompany
#onduline #roof #material
roof, tile fixing, stone piler works,
Water Proofing
Waterproof Yard Waterproof Yard
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