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Shairon Shairon
Water Proofing | Kozhikode, Kerala
natural mud plastering waterproofing
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natural mud plastering
₹45 per sqft
Labour Only
Mud House Area: 710sqft Cost: 12 Lakhs Materials & Technologies: Rammed Earth Wall, CSEB (Mud Blocks), Mud Plastering, Kotta Stone Flooring, Terracotta Jaali, Truss Roof, etc.
Mud Plaster #ecofriendly #natural #mudplaster #eartharchitecture #greenbuilding
demolition or removing new Waterproofing and plastering of newly constructed house #WaterProofing #waterproofingterrace
water proofing with plastering work 👍
#mud plastering
145,75,45,GSM FIBREGLASS MESH >6",1 M- WIDTH >50M LENGTH SUITABLE FOR WATERPROOFING & PLASTERING #WaterProofing #plastering#fibreglassmesh
CSEB (Compressed Stabilised Earth Block) - Mud Block #ecofriendly #natural #keralastyle #HouseDesigns #greenbuilding
100 % Natural Red Mud & Mud Paint available... നല്ല ചുവപ്പ് നിറത്തിൽ ഉള്ള mud paint ന് PRIME STON Contact -7012617121, 8111874944.... ** Pls like share and subscribe our channel ** @ Kozhikkode Kalandithazham Contact- 9188007961
completed project at traditional concepts #with out plastering exterior elvation # roofing natural roof tile #
₹2,000 per sqft
Labour + Material
chemical plastering waterproof nadapuram site
All finishing works ( Block/Stone work , Plastering , Waterproofing , Putty and Painting works , Tiling , Granite and all interior designing works with good quality material and quality work with experianced technicians. Contact me 8105441964
waterproofing, ഓടു വിരിക്കൽ,plastering..
Labour Only
beauty of mud jali compound wall designs just a click from meenangadi wayanad #WaterProofings #epoxytables #epoxyflooring
water proofing after plastering work,.. work ,,👍
#showwallwaterproofing #Before #plastering #WaterProofings #dexowaterproofing #khalidbabu
Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ Integral liquid waterproofing compound for plaster and concrete waterproofing of concrete and sand-cement mortars used in. basements, Roof slabs and screeds,water tanks and water retaining structures, external plastering, bathrooms and balconies, sumps and drains #concrete bonding#crack# plastering#waterproofing#construction#kerala architecture
Mud Plastered Wall #mudplaster #ecofriendly #natural #eartharchitecture #keralahomedesign #home #house #greenbuilding #architecture #civilengineering #construction
waterproofing with plastering 👍🔥
MUD INTERLOCKING BRICKS #mbricks #lowbudgethousekerala
Labour Only
Water Proofing
Shairon Shairon
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