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Vijumon Divakaran
Service Provider | Alappuzha, Kerala
Ceramic rooffing work
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Roof Truss #MetalSheetRoofing #MixedRoofHouse #RoofingIdeas #RoofingShingles #RoofingDesigns #SteelRoofing #roofing
#lowcosthouse #TraditionalHouse #900sqft
Labour + Material
#TraditionalHouse #SemiTraditionalStyle #traditionl #2BHKHouse #3BHK #8848240188 #KeralaStyleHouse #keralahomedesignz #SlopingRoofHouse #WoodenCeiling #ecofriendlyliving #ecofrindlyhouse #pillerdesign
welding work eranakulam area roof work, gril, gate, handrils call 790#761#25#72
#home #renovation: #roofing with #flat #ceramic #roof #tile
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#roof work completed one
What paint colour combination should I use for this house? Roof is using ceramic tiles , maroon and black dual tone. So need something that goes fine with the tile colours
#traditional home making and renewal.... please contact 8848240188
ceramic roof work
₹250 per sqft
Labour Only
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Nalukettu veedu #3delevations #Nalukettu #courtyardhouse #3ddesigns #3Dhome #traditionalelevation
₹3 per sqft
Labour Only
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Vijumon Divakaran
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