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sudhi sudhi
Service Provider | Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
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#KeralaStyleHouse #3DPlans #architecturedesigns #TraditionalHouse #ContemporaryHouse
Dear Friends, My New Finished Project for Sale @ Mannathala, Surya Nagar, Surya Avenue .Thiruvanathapuram.pls contact me.8848341114 Description. 4. Cent, 1600.Sqft double Storyed Building. Sitout, Living, Dining, 3 Attached Bedroom with Wardrobe, Open Kitchen, Work Area,Balcony, Utility Area. Price - 72 Lakhs (Price Negotiable) ................................................................................... Pooja Associates Builder's & Developer's Nettayam,Mukkola.Thiruvanathapuram Mob:8848341114 (Dileep) Email : .................................................................................... Your Dream 🏡 our Responsibility ....................................................................................
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my painting work at Eranakulam vennala BCG banglaavu no 18th banglavu
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Completed Work Category : Budget Home Cost of Work : 2300000/- Area of Work: 1480sqft for more detail contact us : 8590489010
Labour + Material
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We proudly Completed our new project in Vellayani Thiruvananthapuram.
Residence for Mr. Rahul Raveendran at Kareepra, Kollam Area : 1500sqft
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sudhi sudhi
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