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Fathima Sahad
Service Provider | Kasaragod, Kerala
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അടിപൊളിയാ BedRoom interior അതിനോട് ചേർന്ന് തന്നെ മനോഹരമായ siting area #creatorsofkolo #musthave #home #kitchenideas #modernhomes #ideas #essentials #BedroomDecor #MasterBedroom #KingsizeBedroom #BedroomDesigns #BedroomIdeas #WoodenBeds #BedroomCeilingDesign #ModernBedMaking #bedroominteriors #LUXURY_BED #bedsidetable #bedroominterio #bedhead #bedroomset #4bedroomhouseplan #siting #sitingarea #sitinstyle #openspace #openwindow #openkitchendesign
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5 തരത്തിൽ ഉള്ള DOOR❤️ . വീണ്ടും കാണുവാൻ പോസ്റ്റ് save ചെയ്യുക മതി.😍 #interiordesig #LivingroomDesigns #FrenchDoor #FrontDoor #5DoorWardrobe #GlassDoors #DoubleDoor #FoldingDoors #TeakWoodDoors #DoorDesigns #DoorDesigns #SlidingDoors #HingedDoorWardrobe #ClosedKitchen #WoodenKitchen #HouseDesigns #ledecorinteriors #interiorpainting #interiordesignkerala #calicutbuilders #creatorsofkolo #musthave #home #kitchenideas #modernhomes #ideas #essentials
Mandir Design: JAALI Jaali, intricate lattice patterns, grace Indian temple interiors, symbolizing celestial connection, craftsmanship, and divine intricacy. They allow light and air, maintain privacy, and evoke a serene ambiance with their interplay of light and shadow. In essence, Jaali embodies spiritual symbolism and architectural beauty in temple design. #Poojaroom #InteriorDesigner #pooja #poojaroomdesign #poojaunit #poojaroomdecor #poojastand #poojadoor #poojaroomconcepts #poojaunitcumcrockery #poojaunitcnccutting #poojaunitdesig#poojaunit #creatorsofkolo #musthave #home #kitchenideas #modernhomes #ideas #essentials
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Shoes rack and storage space കസ്റ്റമർ ആഗ്രഹിച്ചത്പോലെ ❤️❤️ വീണ്ടും കാണുവാൻ save ചെയ്യു.... #InteriorDesigner #interiorpainting #creatorsofkolo #musthave #home #kitchenideas #modernhomes #ideas #essentials#moderninterior #customisedfurniture #customisedfurnitures #customiseddoors #customized_wallpaper #customised_photoframe #customizeoutdoorfurniture #customizedsofa #customizedfurniture #customisedtable #customizedbed #customize_curtains #customiseddoors #shoesshope #shoesrak #shoeslover #StaircaseStorage #storageideas #storageshelf #storagesolutions #storageunit
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5 must have to make your living room look luxurious . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . #InteriorDesigner #KitchenInterior #Architectural&Interior #interiorpainting #LUXURY_INTERIOR #LUXURY_INTERIOR #interiorfitouts #interiorarchitecture #interiorrenovation #gray_colour #colordeccor #colorcombination #InteriorDesigner #colorcombinations #interiordesigninspiration #paletteperfection #designwithcolors #interiorcolors #homedecor #colorinspo #interiorinspiration #homedesign #interiorstyling #colorfulhome #interiorideas#creatorsofkolo #musthave #home #kitchenideas #modernhomes #ideas #essentials#kolopost #top3kitchenideas #top3 #kolocreator #creatorsofkolo #creators #kolocreativexommunity #KitchenIdeas #KitchenRenovation #KitchenInterior #tipsforinteriorstyle#kitchen
top 3 kitchen organizing ideas #Creatorsofkolo #top3 #kitchenideas #modernhome #ideas #kitchen #kitchenorganization
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Fathima Sahad
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