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colours painting works
Painting Works | Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
small home site-Trivandrum #SmallHouse #GlassStaircase
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₹2,000 per sqft
Labour Only
Client Name: Nithin Raj Location: Thalayolaparambu Elevating every step with style! 🌟 Swipe left to explore our client's staircase area metamorphosis. From mundane to a visual symphony, witness the transformation that adds flair to functionality. Each step tells a story of design innovation, creating an impressive focal point in their home. #ClientStyle #StaircaseDesign #HomeElegance #InteriorTransformation #KoloApp #Thomas+Associates
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site-Trivandrum #HouseDesigns #HouseConstruction
Finishing Works at Site. Feel free to contact us for all your construction requirements and doubts. One-stop destination for every commercial and residential building requirements. Exceptional quality and timely completion. Contact us on : 9645456712 #pristineinfrastructure #constructioncompany #kerala #trivandrum #KeralaStyleHouse
on going work #GlassHandRailStaircase #GlassStaircase #glasshandrails #temperedglass #GlassBalconyRailing
Dining area interior work at Kuruppanthara JGC THE COMPLETE BUILDING SOLUTION vaikom road Kuravilangad near Bosco junction #dinning #diningarea #InteriorDesigner #interiordesignkerala #interriordesign #3Dinterior
small home design @ Trivandrum happiest client :Mr. abin &family #ElevationHome #KeralaStyleHouse #keralastyle #3D_ELEVATION #modernhome #SmallHouse #sweethome #trivandrumhomes
#GlassBalconyRailing #handrailsforkings #InteriorDesigner #Indoor #HomeDecor #architecturedesigns #architact #bestinteriordesign #GlassStaircase #handrailsteel #ironstructure #iron
₹11,000 per meter
Labour Only
നിങ്ങളുടെ ആവശ്യതകൾ നിറവേറ്റുന്ന ഡിസൈൻ FREE ...... START PLANNING YOUR HOME NOW!! കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക്
3.850 cent 1.500 sft home trivandrum
Classic yet everyone loving stair case design... For more stair Ideas and completion call us now..!! Parna Homes +919074477956 #staircase #StaircaseDecors #GlassHandRailStaircase #GlassStaircase #StaircaseDesigns #CurvedStaircase #keralagallery #keralaattraction
ongoing projects site : trivandrum client: radhakrishnan #HouseDesigns #ContemporaryHouse #SmallHouse #50LakhHouse
₹1,850 per sqft
Labour + Material
hand rillsMessage Ramengineering on WhatsApp. #
₹2,400 per sqft
Labour Only
Painting Works
colours painting works
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