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Anil George
Painting Works | Ernakulam, Kerala
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A WAREHOUSE IS MORE THAN A PHYSICAL STRUCTURE; IT REPRESENTS A STRATEGIC ASSET THAT WILL PROPEL OUR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS TO NEW HEIGHTS! Here is our completed warehouse project @ Ezhupunna of AFDC Area : 100000 sqft Place : Ezhupunna, Alappuzha * 55000 sqft Façade works * Centralized AC * Automated Shutters and Doors * Connected vestibules * Loading and unloading bay Our mission to attain our aim in the industry has made us embark on a brand-new channel, and we envision ourselves being the ambassador of change in the construction industry. By understanding the persona of your empty land and transforming it into a long-lasting possession, we are indeed living up to our motto - 'Creating Meaningful Spaces'! For more details; Contact : 9846803699,9847698666,9072099777 Email : Visit : #construction #luxuryhomedesigns #builders #builder #commercial #commercialbuilding #luxury #contractor #church #contractors #interiors #interiordesign #builttech
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Painting Works
Anil George
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