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What is the maximum time period allowed for repayment of your home loan? The maximum repayment tenure depends on the type of housing loan you are availing, your profile, age, maturity of loan etc. For home loans and balance transfer loans, the maximum tenure is 30 years or till the age of retirement, whichever is lower. For Home Extension Loans, the maximum tenure is 20 years or till the age of retirement, whichever is lower. For Home Renovation and Top-Up Loans, the maximum tenure is 15 years or till the age of retirement, whichever is lower. #mobile 7510385499 #WhatsAppNo 7510385499 #website #Email
Types of LIC HFL Home Loan 1- HOME LOAN FOR RESIDENT INDIAN Home loans or housing loans are available for purchase of underconstruction or ready to move homes. Housing loans can also be availed for construction of own house. The following are eligible for Home Loan from LIC Housing Finance Ltd: 1. All Salaried employees working in Private or Government/Public Organizations. 2. Self-employed individuals. The following individuals are also eligible under our Griha Suvidha Home Loan: 1. Employees drawing part of salary in cash 2. Salaried employees seeking home loan term beyond retirement. For information on all eligible customers under Griha Suvidha Home Loan click here. 2- HOME LOAN FOR NON RESIDENT INDIAN (NRI) LIC HFL offers wide variety of home loans for NRIs aspiring to own a house in India. To know more click here. 3- HOME LOAN FOR A special Housing Loan scheme for First Time Home Buyers by the Government of India. All families having income of Rs 3 lakh to Rs 18 lakh are eligibl
*LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA IPO. – Issue Information.* *Issue Opens on :- 10 MARCH, 2022.* *Issue Closes on :- 14 MARCH, 2022.* Issue Type: Book Built Issue IPO. *Issue Size :- 31,62,49,885 SHARES..* *Face Value :- Rs.10/- per Share.* *ISSUE PRICE :- Rs.2,000 – Rs.2,100 Share.* *DISCOUNT :- 10% (for Employees & Policy Holders)* *MARKET LOT :- 7 SHARES.* Listing At: NSE, BSE. More details Mob : 7510385499 Email : Web :
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