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Ratheesh R Ratheesh
Mason | Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
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Today work progress Location : Charumood Material : Sika Preparation work for Terrace waterproofing Scope of work:Terrace Waterproofing For Enquiry kindly contact us 7558962449,7994755349 Website: Mail #waterproofing #sankarassociates #civil #construction #waterproofing #leakage #putty #Mavelikkara #kerala #india #waterproof #aranmula #waterproofingsolutions #kerala #leakage #kerala #stopleakage #punalur #Mavelikkara
Today Work Progress Location : Noornad Material:Fosroc Client: Mr.Rakesh Preperation work for Terrace waterproofing. Scope of work:Terrace waterproofing(Before Sloping) For Enquiry kindly contact us 7558962449,7994755349 Website: Mail #waterproofing #sankarassociates #civil #construction #waterproofing #leakage #putty #kayamkulam #Alappuzha #kerala #india #waterproof #waterproofingsolutions #kerala #leakage #kerala #stopleakage #Mavelikkara
any kind of water proofing work. enquiry 9447778547 # # #water proofing #water treatment #terras ##toilets ##water tank
₹50 25 to 60
Labour Only
Terrace waterproofing ( two component coatings) . rate varies as per chemical selection
₹30 per sqft
Labour + Material
terrace waterproofing
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Ratheesh R Ratheesh
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