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Rabin mandal
Mason | Thrissur, Kerala
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നിങ്ങളുടെ plot താഴ്ന്നു കിടക്കുന്നതാണോ???😭😭 amount waste akkathe ഇങ്ങനെ വീട് പണിയാം😍😍.. new project at karimkunnam/ 1800 sqft/3bhk
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3D view Palakkad, Kerala #frontelevation #Homeideas #keralahome #keralastylehome #contemporarydesign #traditionaldesign #conatruction #plan #FloorPlans #plans #floor #ElevationHome #elevation #home #house #home #homeplan #homeplans #housedesign #newhome #bathroom #balcony #livingroom #frontElevation #patio #courtyard #kitchen #openkitchendesign #openkitchen
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നിങ്ങളുടെ കയ്യിലുള്ള ഐഡിയ കോർത്തിണക്കി നിങ്ങളെഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നപോലെ നിങ്ങളുടെ വീടിനെ ബംഗിയുള്ളതും നിങ്ങൾ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നപോലുള്ള വീടുകളാക്കി മാറ്റുവാൻ ഞങ്ങളെ സമീപിക്കുക... D‘LAVA INTERIORS Cont: 8138968028##architecture_minimal #instarchitecture #lovearchitecture #architecture_hunter #residentialdesign #designinspiration #amazingarchitecture #sustainability #sustainabledesign #seekinspirecreate #madetocreate #thewildernesstonic #interiorinspiration #interiorstyling #interior&homefurnishing
P A R T H A N A Location :Alappuzha Area : 3227sqft Project : 23-24 Design : @nikhil_george_thomas @mind_of_survival @deepukirans Our latest architectural masterpiece! This tropical residence seamlessly merges with its lush green surroundings. The earthy, natural finishes blend harmoniously with the environment. From its perfectly placed vantage paddy point, it offers a breathtaking view of the picturesque paddy fields and the serene beauty of the natural world. The backdrop of dense trees adds an extra layer of tranquility #architecture #naturalinspiration #tropicalparadise #architecture #tropicalmodern #keralaarchitecture #architecturephotography #architecturaldesign #greenhomes #greenhomeproperties #houseconstruction #contemporary #tropicalmodernhouse #architecturaldesign #insta #instagram #instareels #koloapp #viral #alappuzha #green #blend #naturephotography #nature
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# 3 D front elevation # traditional style# 3000 Sq. ft# 2 floor# residential building
modern sloproofed one #koloapp #KeralaStyleHouse #keraladesigns
exterior 3d Category : renovation client :Mr Vahid Location : Pathiripala #palakkalconstruction #ElevationHome #HouseRenovation #KeralaStyleHouse #3dvisulization
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Looming property @ernakulam Standardising stellar life style houses .Ecofriendly houses #4bhk #ernakulam #businessclass ##BestBuildersInKerala #buildersincalicut #buildersinkochi #ernakulamconstruction #2400sq #swimmingpoolkerala #koloviral
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Exterior elevation design for single story 850sqft home @Tholannoor Palakkad . #palakkad #kerala #elevationdesign #3dmodeling #architecture #visualisation
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Rabin mandal
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