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Toplast Gypsum Plaster
Interior Designer | Malappuram, Kerala
Ongoing school project@Tirur
DRK associate
Building Supplies | Ernakulam
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₹1,500 per sqft
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just completed renovation project @ tirur. habrix architects
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₹1,800 per sqft
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BET EC @Stall 150, ongoing Govt.Exhibition,Boys School Ground Tirur #all_kerala #green #watertest#savewater#filters #wasteManagement
bathroom waterproofing our on going work . #Malappuram #tirur mor information please call or WhatsApp me #8714466603 metirial #bitumenmembrane #asianpaint #allkeralawaterproofing #Kozhikode #Kannur #WaterProofing #ongoing-project
# sit out #project @ tirur
Running project Tirur. designing and construction trinity interiors
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BET EC @ Stall_150, Ongoing Govt. Exhibition, Boys School Ground Tirur #BET_ENVIROCARE_LLP #Govt. of Kerala #Exhibition #PollutionControl #WaterPurity #wastewatertreatment #wastewatertreatmentplant #Waste_Water_Treatment- #Residential_Waste #FoodWasteManagement
completed project @tirur Details of the project plot area. 4.75cent Squre feet details ⚡️area. 4500sqft ⚡️5bedroom attached bathroom ⚡️kitchen ⚡️ work area ⚡️bedroom ⚡️living ⚡️dining ⚡️Courtyard Thinking of building your dream home? We are always here to help you #KeralaStyleHouse #KeralaStyleHouse #MrHomeKerala #keralaarchitectures #k # #eralaarchitectures #keralahomedesignz #all_kerala #allkeralaconstruction #Pathanamthitta #keraladesigns #HouseDesigns #SmallHouse #narrowhouse #narrowhouseplan #ContemporaryHouse #KeralaStyleHouse #moderndesign
on going project @tirur
school project pattikkad
Your Requirement, whether it's Modern or Traditional, @SAK Designs, we have all the solutions. Natural Wooden Ceiling - Ongoing Project @Tirur. #WoodenCeiling #woodceling #naturalwood #FalseCeiling #carpentarwork #TraditionalHouse #traditionalhomedecor #traditionaldesign #traditional_stone #stonehouse #lateritestone #kannur_laterite #ceilingwork #naturalceiling #4bhk #KeralaStyleHouse #keralatraditionalhomes #keralatraditionalhouse #keralatraditionalarchitecture #keralahomeconcepts #keralahousedesign #InteriorDesigner #CivilEngineer #structurework #ModularKitchen
ongoing project at Malappuram tirur #CivilEngineer #Architect #ContemporaryHouse #newhouseconstruction #Malappuram #ContemporaryDesigns #veed #30LakhHouse #exterior_
Completed project at #tirur
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3D Model done for a school project
Toilet designs. കാലഘട്ടത്തിനനുസരിച്ചു വീടുകളിലെ ടോയ്ലറ്റ് ആശയങ്ങളും മാറി. ഓരോ ടോയ്ലെറ്റിനെയും മൂന്നു ഭാഗങ്ങളായി വേർതിരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു. 1_Wash basin - Dry area 2_Closet - Semi wet area 3_Shower - Wet area Completed Residential project Tirur - Malappuram District
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ongoing project at Malappuram tirur #architecturedesigns #HouseConstruction #Contractor #CivilEngineer #Malappuram #calicut #veedudesign #elevation_ #newhousedesign #ContemporaryDesigns #SmallHouse #3BHK
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Interior Designer
Toplast Gypsum Plaster
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DRK associate
Building Supplies | Ernakulam