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Er Simi Prajeesh
Interior Designer | Ernakulam, Kerala
Traditional home #ibuildcare #TraditionalHouse #traditionalhomes #plan #InteriorDesigner #CivilEngineer #3d
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5 സെന്റിൽ നാലുകെട്ട് രീതിയിൽ നടുമുറ്റം കുറഞ്ഞ ബഡ്ജറ്റിൽ ഇനി നിങ്ങൾക്കും പണിയാം 5 സെന്റിൽ 1300 SQ FET മുതൽ നിങ്ങൾക്കും ഇനി നാലുകെട് രീതിൽ നടുമുറ്റം ഉള്ള ഒരു വീട് പണിയാം കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ contact - 9633769305 #Nalukettu #naturalstone #HouseDesigns #KeralaStyleHouse #kerqlahousedesign #TraditionalHouse #Thrissur #kerala #Ernakulam #ElevationHome #3d #5centPlot #lowbudget #budget #NALAKATH #Nalukettu #Thrissur #ernakulam😍 #KeralaStyleHouse #NALAKATH #keralatraditionalmural #thrissurbuilders #thriponithara #Thrissur #MrHomeKerala #keralaart #Thrissur #Thiruvananthapuram #Kottayam #Malappuram #keralastyle #keralaart #MrHomeKerala #kerala_architecture #TraditionalHouse #OpenKitchnen
₹1,800 per sqft
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new project Design @palakkad Area 2200 sqft. provided traditional look. inside of this house we are planing to provide modern open kitchen etc. this house inlcude 4 Bedrooms all are attached. and a living room, dinning with family seating... contact us for your interior and exterior requirments 9567345115 #KeralaStyleHouse #keralahomedesignz #TraditionalHouse
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#traditional home, heritage homes, Villas, renewal old homes... please contact us.... within your budjet we Will make....
₹3,000 per sqft
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Traditional with Modernity #HomeDecor #HouseDesigns #exteriordesigns #ExteriorDesign #exterior #KeralaStyleHouse #keralaplanners #keralastyle #TraditionalHouse #traditionalhome #SingleFloorHouse
#KeralaStyleHouse #MrHomeKerala #keralaarchitectures #keralastyle #keralahomeplans #keralahomedesignz #kerala_architecture 2000 Sq. ft home... for more details 8848240188
Interior Designer
Er Simi Prajeesh
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