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Vamah Interiors
Interior Designer | Kottayam, Kerala
work completed ✨ DD tower thiruvalla #washunit #washareacounter #washingarea #washarea
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work completed✨DD tower thiruvalla #kitchen #ModularKitchen #OpenKitchnen #KitchenInterior #brackfastcounter
₹1,800 per sqft
Labour + Material
wash area interior design work #InteriorDesigner #3d #rendering #3Dinterior #washbasindecor #washcounter #washingarea #interriordesign #interiorfitouts #interor #mirrors #washbasincabinet #mirrors #mirrorwall #mirrordesign #washbasininterior #Wash JGC THE COMPLETE BUILDING SOLUTION Kuravilangad Vaikom road near Bosco junction
wash area design #washarea #washareacounter #Washroomideas #washbasin #washarea3ddesigns #washareaideas #kolo #koloapp #creatosofkolo
A luxuries wash area. simple but elegant.... #washareacounter #washarea #renovation #washareaideas #washroomdesign #washbasen #washcounter #home #3Ddesign #home3ddesigns
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work completed ✨@ Thiruvalla DD tower #tvunit #tvunitinterior #LivingRoomTVCabinet #Prayerunit #PrayerCorner
wash area #washareacounter
Wash unit
₹1,550 per sqft
Labour + Material
Crockery with wash unit #washcounter #crockeryunit #washroomdesign #crockerynew #washingarea #crockeryforhomes #washunitdesign #crockerydesign
finished ✨@thiruvalla DD tower Living, dining, kitchen, Bedroom #LivingroomDesigns #Diningroom #Partition #washunit #brackfastcounter
Wash area design. A beautiful wash area with a decor shelf. please contact for unique and beautiful interior. ph. 8111839640 #washareacounter #decor #home #interior #interiordesigner #design #modern #moderninterior #interiorideas #creatorsofkolo #kolo #koloapp #designlover #livingroom #diniingroom #keralahome #dreamhome #interiortips
wash area design for your new home. #kolo #koloapp #washareacounter #washarea #Washroom #home #creatorsofkolo #dreamhome #house #interior #interiordesigner #interiorwork #designer #washbasen #diningarea
work completed
3D designing #Washroom #washareacounter #washarea #luxurywashroom #LUXURY_INTERIOR #interior #designinginspiration #InteriorDesigner #washarea3ddesigns #washareainterior #interior #interriordesign
Labour Only
work completed ✨@Thiruvalla DD tower Living & Dining room Partition... #partitiondesign #livingroompartition #diningroompartition #partition #sittingarea #sittingarrangements
Labour Only
Wash area attached with courtyard #Washroom #washbasen #washroomdesign #washareacounter #washareacounter #courtyardhouse #courtyardgarden #courtyard
wash counter #modularwashrooms #washbasinDesign #washunit #aluminiumcabinet #HomeDecor #modernhomeinterior #Washroomideas #washareacounter
DINING WASH AREA DESIGN #Washroom #dining #BathroomIdeas
Interior Designer
Vamah Interiors
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