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haris v p haris payyanur
Interior Designer | Kannur, Kerala
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1450 Sqft 3 brd room with car porch. just 5 cent land.
URGENT VACANCIES 🎈Restaurent manager Exp Male Kannur Salary 18000 to 20000 🎈Business Development Executive Exp/fresher Male Thaliparamba 🎈Accountant Female Exp/fresher Thottada 🎈Chemist Exp Female/male Kannur Salary 12000 🎈Cashier Exp Male Koothuparamba 🎈Student Counselor Exp/fresher Female Kannur 🎈Digital marketing Exp/fresher Male/female Kannur താല്പര്യമുള്ളവർ ഉടൻ ബന്ധപ്പെടുക 9746622236 9747099555 9895888813 Please join our group For new vacancies
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*Tip for the day* *छह प्रकार के ब्लाइंड्स जिनका उपयोग अंदर की खिड़कियों के लिए किया जा सकता है *
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Home theaters are no longer only an extravagance for the rich and famous. Thanks to more affordable technology, many families are enjoying a true movie theater experience without leaving home. If you're thinking about building a home theater,
URGENT VACANCIES 🔅Administration Male Exp Kannur 🔅PLUMBER Male Exp Kannur 🔅MARKETING EXECUTIVE Male Kannur 🔅OFFICE STAFF Female Kannur 🔅ACCOUNTANT Exp Male/Female Kannur,Bangalore 🔅SALES GIRL Kannur 🔅DRIVER Male Exp Kannur 🔅 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE Female Kannur 🔅 DELIVERY BOY Male Kannur 🔅 BILLING Male /Female Exp Kannur 🔅FRONT OFFICE Female Kannur 🔅SHOWROOM SALES Male/ Female Kannur Call us for more details 9747099555 9895888813
Interior Designer
haris v p haris payyanur
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