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Fasil MT
Interior Designer | Malappuram, Kerala
factory made kitchen Meterial: Plywood with mica laminate for estimate: #KitchenIdeas #KitchenCabinet #ModularKitchen #modernhome
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*poojaroom * plywood with mica laminate
₹800 per sqft
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High quality plywood with mica lamination sq 950 s contact number 9947536875
₹950 per sqft
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Finished sofa coffee table TV unit kitchen wash basin crockery unit dining table 2.2 lakhs only kitchen multiwood with mic lamination Other works plywood with mica lamination
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Plywood with mica
marine ply with mica lamination # # # # # #
*Pooja room * plywood with mica laminate
₹850 per sqft
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TV Unit plywood with mica laminate pvc paneling For quotation 918593070893 #tvunits #TVStand #InteriorDesigner #iterior #LivingRoomTVCabinet #living
*Modular Kitchen * Modular kitchen with Mica lamination with factory Finish works... in 1700 including Plywood, Mica,Hinges, Handle The Hinges ans accessories will be in Hettich
₹1,850 per sqft
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*wardrobe * plywood with mica
₹1,650 per sqft
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multi wood with mica lamination # #InteriorDesigner #HomeDecor #homedesigne #newhouse #newsite #ModularKitchen #modular
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*tv unit * plywood with mica laminate
₹750 per sqft
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modular kitchen made by using 710 grade BWP Ply with mica laminate finish #KitchenIdeas #ModularKitchen #mica #profilehandles #KitchenCabinet #KitchenInterior
*modern kitchen * PVC multywood/marine plywood with Mica / pvc acyrlic lamination
₹200,000 per kitchen
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plywood with mica ലാമിനേഷൻ
Labour Only
കിച്ചൻ ക്യാബിനറ്റ്.. Plywood+Mica kuranja chilavil ningalkkum cheyyam oru kitchen cabinet..! contact for more details 9947166882 #KitchenIdeas #KitchenCabinet #ModularKitchen #KitchenInterior #Architectural&Interior
jipsum board cieling & plywood with mica laminate pegolas
*modular kitchen (factory finish)* marine plywood 710 grade with mica laminate
₹1,800 per sqft
Labour + Material
plywood with mica
LIiving & Dining Partition Works with Guarenteed Plywoods and Multiwood Finish with Mica (Lamination)
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New shop work plywood with mica
Interior Designer
Fasil MT
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