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my blueGarden
Gardening & Landscaping | Kollam, Kerala
Flying horse sculpture fountain detail #sculptureart #gardensculpture #fountain #fountains #fountainbuilder
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sculpture fountain . sandstone finish. price can vary with design #fountain #fountains #fountainbuilder #gardensculpture #LandscapeGarden #landscapearchitect
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sculpture horses 4 feet #sculpture #LandscapeGarden
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potrait sculpture
Hand sculpted Classical fountain Price may vary with design and details. #LandscapeGarden #cochininteriordesigners #landscapecalicut #ernakulamconstruction #bangalorearchitects
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Original Buddha sculpture 2.5 feet tall seated. custom delivered to your address. retail price includes production cost and transportation anywhere in India. Whole sale price for minimum 2 pieces.. contact us for details..#buddha #buddhastatue #buddhasculpture #sculpture #gardensculpture #gardendecor #indoordecor #meditation #Peace
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kinar warkh
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5 feet garden sculpture planter #gardensculpture #LandscapeGarden #sculptureart #sculpture #LandscapeDesign #landscapearchitect
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potrait sculpture
#KeralaStyleHouse #keralatraditional #women#sakunthala
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wodden gift work 9633917470
garden sculpture & planter 5 feet work in progress.. Sandstone white and colored finish available. #gardensculpture #gardenplanter #LandscapeGarden #statue #sculpture
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custom 2.5 feet original work of art. Buddha sculpture Labor + material+courier charges to your home .. anywhere in India #buddhaart #buddhastatue #gardensculpture #sculptureart #Kollam #trivandrum@ #kochi
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5 feet garden decor sculpture planter #gardensculpture #gardenplanter #planters #gardendecor
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Gardening & Landscaping
my blueGarden
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