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habeeb P P
Flooring | Kozhikode, Kerala
₹125 per sqft
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നല്ല ഫ്രഷ് വൈറ്റ് മാർബിൾ സ്ലാബുകൾ Allama marbles Feroke chungam white marble slabs #MarbleFlooring #Marblequarry #FlooringTiles
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Aspuri White Marble😍 #MarbleFlooring #marbles #FloorPlans #FlooringSolutions
Here’s wishing you and your family peace, harmony, happiness, good health and prosperity on the auspicious occasion of Eid. *Eid Mubarak.*🌙🕋 #FairuzArchitects
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Merino-Armour Exterior wall cladding....The All-Weather Champion 🏆 #HPL #exterior_Work
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We are the sellers of Merino-Hanex Solid surface (Corian Top) all over Kerala. #corian #solidsurface
Tiles gum available now calicut #FlooringTiles #tilegum #InteriorDesigner
habeeb P P
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