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KVS STEEL Fabraction
Fabrication & Welding | Palakkad, Kerala
₹600 per feet charge
Labour Only
*Stainless Steel railing* stainless steel,stairs,charpade glass work, Gate,sit outgate etc
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#stainless steel #charupadi
# side work complete SS Steel railing work fabrication work structure aluminium glass wooden false ceiling and all type work is complete
₹550 per sqft
Labour Only
*Square pipe stainless steel railing.* 15 years service warranty. indian made stainless steel pipe top quality work good workers
₹2,900 meter without wood master
Labour + Material
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Stainless Steel and glass handrail. Toprail auto coated to wood finish. Done at Uzhavur, Kottayam
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#sitout gate
#stainless steel #charupadi #gate #ss gate #wicket gate #ss work
Exterior And interior Handrails with different materials and designs. call us or mail to #exterior glass rail #exterior glass with ss rail # top Rail with glass and studs # slotted rails with glass # interior Handrails etc
sit out glass doors
Labour Only
steel stairs with wooden Finishing #Palakkadinterior #StaircaseDesigns #StaircaseIdeas
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balcony stainless steel balcony with glass #StainlessSteelBalconyRailing
₹2,800 meeter 2800+ glass
Labour Only
Fabrication & Welding
KVS STEEL Fabraction
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