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Fabrication & Welding | Kannur, Kerala
₹490 per sqft
Premium Tensile Car Porch #Tensile #tensileroofing #fabricshading #ferrari #carporch-ceeling #exterior_Work #welding #engineering
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Premium Tensile Car Porch #Tensile #tensileroofing #tensilefabric #carporch
PVDF Tensile Car porch #Tensile #carporch #shade #exteriordesigns
#car porch
New project!!! Elevation design with beautiful Car Porch, Patio and Compound Wall. #ElevationHome #ElevationDesign #homeelevation #carporches #carporch #exteriordesigns #exterior_Work #exteriordecor #beautifulhouse #LandscapeIdeas #LandscapeGarden #compoundwalldesign #compoundwall #gates #patio #Architect #architecturedesigns #Architectural&nterior #engineers
₹150 per sqft
Labour Only
#porch #exterior_Work #homedesignkerala #steelstructure #3d
Tensile Car Porch PVDF 10yr Warrenty #carporch-ceeling #outdoorfabrics #Tensile #tensileroofing #tensilefabric #homedesigner #shade #fibre_shades
tensile car porch PVDF Imported material 10yr warrenty #carporch #Tensile #exteriordesigns
Ferrary Tensile Car porch 10yr warrenty #tensilefabric #carporches #exterior_Work #SteelWindows
Labour + Material
all types mordern car porch designs #Architect #architecturedesigns #CivilEngineer #kannurconstruction #Kannur #working@kannur #homekerala #kannurhome
#MetalSheetRoofing #sheetwork #carporches #carporch #FABRICATION&WELDING #welldesign #Weldingwork #welding
single pole tensile car porch
₹500 per sqft
Labour Only
tensile carporch
car porch without columns work completed in tirur #Appolo #georoofing #traffordsheet #carporch
Labour Only
tensile structure#carporch
#porch #architecturedesigns #exterior_Work
#tensile car parking #tensile car porch #tensile roofing #
Tensile Car Parking
₹550 per sqft
Labour + Material
car porch
tensile carporch 5x6 meters Europe made Fabric tata mild steel structure
porch extension #porch #PolycarbonateSheetRoofing #exteriordesigns #stilt+4exteriordesign #exterior_Work
Fabrication & Welding
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